

  • Today I was absent I had an ib exam
  • Todqy I had a rigourous workout with chest I wanna isolate the muscle build up I want to have a bigger chest bigger arms and abs I did bicep curls and shoulder presses that are at 10 rm and tricep curls that are at 10 rm I feel pumped and bigger everyday
  • Yesterday at the gym we worked my chest with bench press andi did flies I feel like my chest is getting more defined and that I have more power my arms from doing bicep curls and tricep extentions I feel like my core power is getting stronger to
  • Today I mostly lifted with my chest I want to get a better diffention. I did bench and flies then I did bicep curls and then finished up with some tricep extentions that really make me feel sore. The main workout tday was legs I did some squats and roman dead lifts and really feel the burn
  • Today we did a class of lifting weight I focused on my chest tday I feel like they are getting stronger and more definition. 10 rm with 90 pounds. My triceps is what im worried about as much as I focus on them they just seem to stay the same size and dont get bigger or not enough definition. My biceps are getting more…
  • Today I wasnt in class
  • Yesterday we had a rigourous work out I worked out with a special system and it was consisting of squats and back raises and lateral dead lifts it was an over all good workout and I feel like my legs really got a good work out and my lower back feels more firm with figure. Excersises like these really work posture and get…
  • Yesterdays workout was good I had no internet acces tho so im doing it now. I worked mostly on my biceps and triceps and it felt like I was getting ripped again it was a great feeling to lift weights it always is it feels great to get pumped on 10 rms
  • Today I was sick and didnt attend class
  • todays workout was biceps and back. the back workout that really did me best was the seated rows they really get your back muscles pumping. on my last rep i could really feel my muscles burning and pumping up. my back needs alittle more working at because it isnt that strong. the bicep workout was also good i just need to…
  • Today we started doing single workouts like working specific muscle groups. And we did chest and triceps. Whith this I feel like this type of excersize in muscle groups works me out better and focuses on my certain muscle groups and today really worked my chest more than anyother day. The only problem I have is with…
  • Todays workout was a free workout we could lift anything we wanted. I usually pick the bench press first because I feel my chest needs more working out then secondly my triceps because they are small or they just dont have that much definition. When I work my bi it feels good the effort I put in them always shows. I feel…
  • April 15 no internet access Todays workout was great we are starting to use free weights in our workouts such as bench press I feel like this is a better way to do our workouts because we can have more control build up. Plus I feel like when I do the press with free weights my abdominal muscles are getting stronger to.
  • Today we started in the gym again with our usuall routine. I felt alittle rusty from not working out that much durning the break wich I regret but ive eaten less and lost quite a few kilos. So hope fullly when we get back in track ill build some muscle before the end of this year. Todays workout was ok feel my legs need…
  • today's the first day i started reading precision nutrition. im already absorbing some good knowledge that i didn't know or haven't done. im sure im going to use these principles soon. ive learned that the diet choices i make that suit me are called comfort foods that have persuaded me from either family or friends. its…
  • Today I did bench press and tricep extentions and leg press one legged, shoulder press, and back extentions. With my back I could do a whole 150 pounds even more but thats all it has but it feels good working my back also my chest is getting more defind I can see the symetry of each chest my left leg is just still messed…
  • Thursday 27 todays strength workout was good I did 10rpm of chest back and shoulders I feel like my chest is getting stronger and bigger the back and my shoulders getting stronger with the shoulder press I just need to loose weight by cardio and get more definition
  • Today was a good carfio day we ran up and down the stairs for 15 mins then mr ali gave us the opportunity to do a special fitness day we used the later thing and we worked our caves for the redt of the fitness classs including cardio workout it was fun and really made me sweat it was a good use of evergy over all today was…
  • Todays strength class was really good today we worked 10 rm my chest work out was really good im lifting very efficently 45 on each side I feel like my chest strenth is getting better im building bigger muscles and im feeling great the only thing I really want to focus on is my tricep muscle becuase its weak
  • Today was kind of a break for me becuase I was exousted but mr ali made it a gym day so we did suicides and it was a really good cardiovascular workout to get my blood pumping it made me feel better than this morning overall I feel better once we did cardio tday
  • March 24 internet timed out Yesterdays work out was great we started on 10 rm strength my pecs feel great I have a more defined body over all I feel like this class is helping with my health it keeps me moving
  • Today I took my weight and I lost .4 kg my goal was to gain weight but I lost thats a good thing maybe becuase ive lost fat. I have been reducing my calorie intake to loose fat and been working with cardio alot so ive lost some weight but my goal is that I should gain some weight but muscle weight. So I should increase my…
  • March 19 todays workout was good I spent 15 minutes on the bike and tredmill after I did stairs wich was very tiering but paid off with a good sweat
  • Todays workout was all about strength. What I found to be the hardest work out is the shoulder work out becuase everytime I lift the weight at a 90 degree angle my back gets a sharp pain but still it really works
  • Todays cardio workout was very efficent I felt like I burned alot of calories today im also seeing a good diffrence from the first cardio day ive lost some body fat from all the cardio the situps were the most challanging
  • Todays cardio day was great I worked on my fat burrning and I think I did a great job of doing so I used the bike and jumprope push ups and abs workout overall mission acomplished
  • March 16 todays work out felt good I took it alittle slow because later that day I had to go to the gym so I didnt want to get sore to fast so I could save some strength for later on
  • Today I worked out my arms and chest with legs I feel like my legs were worked out very hard they are really sore but overall a good workout session
  • Wends march 12 My legs today were really sore I had to speed walk for 10 mins to get the blood pumping other than that all is good I feel way healthier. Tuesday march 11 Really good strengthday I worked out so hard it was crazy
  • These article blogs I learned some key things. Bmr calculated in kcal/day is one of the key building blocks of training, if you consume 0 kcal/day you maintain weight so kcal is basically the number that tells you weather youve consumed and gained weight or not consumed. The propper weight to loose in a week should be…