alkhameesabdulkariem Member


  • Today we played basketball. I had lots of fun but was exhausted by the end of the period.
  • Today I did 3 sets of inclined bench press's. After that I did 3 sets of curls and 3 sets of triceps workout. My arms were really sore after the workout and I was toasted.
  • On thursday I did a few chest press's then moved on to cardio workout. I walked up and down the stairs. I was very tired towards the end of the period.
  • Today I focused on shoulder press, curls and chest press. I only did one set of chest press today because my arms were still a little bit sore from yesterdays workout. For the curls, I increased the weight because I felt like the weight I was using before is now easy for me to do.
  • Todays workout was a little slow. I worked on my biceps by doing some curls after that I did some shoulder press and triceps workout. I felt like I could have accomplished more, but Im still happy with my overall achievement.
  • Today I focused on chest and biceps workout. I did a few sets of chest press and some curls. After I was done, there was still a bit of time left, so I worked a little bit on my triceps and shoulders. Towards the end of the period, my arms were really sore.
  • Todays workout was a little slow, but I still managed to complete a few sets of chest press, shoulder press and curls. I was a little bit tried towards the end of the period, but I think I could accomplish more.
  • Today I focused on chest, shoulders and biceps. I did a few sets of dumbbell chest press's then one with the machine. After that I did 3 sets of shoulder press and then moved on to the curls. My arms and legs were still a little bit sore from yesterdays workout, so I couldn't give it a 100%.
  • Today we did some inner core unit exercises. Planks, squats, dead lifts, and one more exercise which we had to use the exercise ball for. At first, it looked very easy and simple. Once I got started on it, i started feeling pain in my muscles.
  • Today I did shoulders and biceps workout. I started off with the shoulder press and moved on to the curls exercise. After I was done with that, I did 2 sets of chest press and 3 sets of pull downs. At the end of the period, I was very tired.
  • Today we did chest and triceps workout, it was slow but I managed to complete a couple of exercises including chest press, inclined chest press and three other triceps exercises. I was very lazy at the start of the period, so by the end of it I didn't feel like moving at all.
  • April 22: I did leg and shoulder workout. We did up to 4 or 5 different types of exercises and I was very tired towards the end of the period. April 23: Today I was absent.
  • Today, we did back and biceps workout. We started off with one arm dumbbells and carried on to a few other new exercises. I didn't have as much power in me as I had yesterday because of yesterdays workout, nevertheless I tried my best. We did around a total of 5 to 6 exercises, 3 sets of 10 each.
  • Today we did chest and triceps workout, we did a normal bench press and an inclined bench press with dumbbells. After that we did flys with dumbbells, it was one of the hardest exercises I've done in the gym so far. After those three, we did 3 different types of triceps workouts. At the end of the period, my triceps were…
  • Today I didn't do much, at the beginning of the period, I walked on the treadmill for around 15 minutes and then lifted a little bit of weights then I sat doing nothing for the rest of the period.
  • Today Mr. Ali showed us and made us try lifting weights without the assistance of machines. It was a lot harder to lift since we had to balance the weights. Plus, we he showed us two new exercises, the triceps and curl work out. Instead of leg press, we did lunges and instead of chest press on the machine, we used the…
  • Today I did weight training, we did the same exercises we used to do before the holiday (3 sets of 10 RMs bench/leg press/one arm dumbbell/ shoulder press), only this time, towards the end of the period I was very tired as I haven't lifted any heavy weights during the holiday. I didn't get to complete all five exercises…
  • Today in class we had a weigh in and I found out that I lost around 1.2 Kg from the last weigh in we had. I am going further away from my goals which is to gain around 0.5 kg per week. I think that the reason that made me lose weight was because I was a little bit sick during the holiday and didn't feel like eating much.…
  • The last thing the article talks about is the healthy food types and how much storing food in a good way can help keep the healthiness and nutrition in the foods. It then talks about the daily meals. The difference between this and what Mr. Ali told us is that in class we learned to eat a meal using 3 different food…
  • Today I was absent. I've read a few more pages of the article. It then talks about "eating in the road", mostly about restaurants and hotel food. You don't necessarily have to eat from the menu in restaurants because many of them provide custom foods. This way, you can get a healthy and natural meal from the restaurant. As…
  • Today, we did cardio training. We did a bunch of exercises that included using the agility ladder and some cones. I wasn't very tired. After reading a few more pages of the article, I discovered more similarities to what the article says and what Mr. Ali taught us. They both told us to wake up early enough so that we can…
  • In the gym, I did weight training today. I've completed 4 different types of exercises and was very tired after the workout. After reading a few pages of the article, precision nutrition, Ive been able to spot several differences and learn several new things that we didn't cover in class. The similarity in the 10 rules of…
  • Today I did weight training. Instead of doing leg press with both legs, we decreased the weights by 50 to 65% and started doing it with one leg. I felt like it was much more harder than doing it with two legs, even though the weight is much less than before. I also learned that I should be doing all my exercises much…
  • Today we did cardio training. We used an agility rope/ladder and jumped on it, whenever someone makes a mistake, the whole class has to do 5 pushups. It was very tiring and confusing. At first, I made so much mistakes. Towards the end I got the hang of it.
  • Today I did cardio, instead of doing stairs, Mr. Ali took us to play shoot or die. We basically did suicides for almost the whole period. I was very tired.
  • March 23: Today I did weight training, we increased the weight/intensity and started doing 10 rms instead of 12. I was able to complete all exercises during the period. I was very exhausted after the lesson.
  • March 19: Today I did Cardio, I spent the whole lesson on stairs. At the end I got very tired. March 20: In the past two weeks, I've gained 0.80 kg. I am very happy about the weight I gained and the time I spent on it. Although I would like to start gaining 0.50 Kg a week instead of my current weight gain rate which is 0.4…
  • Today I did weight training. 3 sets of 5 different exercises. I felt like I could have done more exercises but could not due to the period ending. Today was one of the only days that I didn't feel very tired after.