Try SkinnyPop. I've found it at Costco where I am, but grocery stores should carry it, too. A serving is 3.75 cups, and each serving has 150 calories (in the original, there are a couple other flavors), and 15g carbs. Also, the only ingredients are all natural popcorn, sunflower oil, and salt. And it actually tastes good!
I've been a vegetarian for over two years now, and the rest of my family is not. These are some of the recipes we frequently use, which everyone likes. macaroni and cheese: vegetarian chili:…
I'm not a fan of it, and nor am I a fan of normal milk. Never have been, think it's a texture thing.
Try drinking more water, and maybe also try yoga. I used to get headaches daily (for over a year), but then I started yoga and now I barely get a headache a month!
Thanks everyone for the input - I do not weigh my food, but I guess that would be a good next step. As for the strength aspect, I am using dumbbells, which they have in 5lb, 8lb, 10lb, 12lb (and higher, but haven't touched those!), and I have been pushing myself on the exercises that I can, but most are difficult for me to…
Thanks all - tried the foam roller out two nights ago, and it has definitely helped! I've gone from it hurting to even turn over in bed to not feeling much pain. There's still a little there, but this foam roller is wonderful!
Well, I got a foam roller and will try that over the next few days. I am also going to go to a self myofascial release class where I've been exercising, but have to wait another week for it because the instructor will be away this weekend.
Changing your eating habits will be beneficial, and as long as it's healthier alternatives, it should help your weight. Of course, calories matter in that equation too, but I think as a general rule of thumb, fast food is unhealthier and has more calories than other food.
I enjoy it. Yoga is great, and I've been taking some classes at a local place - some are circuits, some are about 6-9 exercises, repeated six times for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, before moving on to the next. The ones I have been doing are total body, so it's a mix of arms, legs, and abs. I love abs, and my arms kill…
Thanks for the suggestion - it's a good stretch, but doesn't quite stretch the painful part of my hip.
I have been a vegetarian for just over 2 years now. I don't find that I am weaker than people who do eat meat (not that I consider myself very strong, but if I did eat meat, I don't think it would make much of a difference). I'm not sure how much protein I eat on a daily basis, but I eat chickpeas, hummus, almonds, and…
My goal is to have a flat stomach, followed by defined abs