

  • "The stomach vacuum, you can even do it while driving! It tightens up your abs, and helps you lose inches in your waist. " How do you do this? I havent ever heard of it LOL!
  • I just ordered the dvd, I am going to start it the day i get it! I read that some ppl lose inches not lbs, I'm fine with that, my weight # dossnt bother me its my little tummy pudge thats aggrvating! I could gain weight but lose inches and fat and I wouldnt mine haha!
  • I also ride horses, I mainly trail ride nowdays, but I did barrel race but now just attend playdays to run poles and barrels at a cheaper competative level. I have been riding since i was 2y/o. :) I have tried roping, didn't have the money to keep practicing, I have two horses right now, and my husband has one. I hear all…
  • If I wore like ankle weights while do any of these exercises, would that help?
  • Thank you for the suggestion! After work I think I'll go buy a jump rope and see how it works :)