

  • I read the book and purchased the cookbook. I just started the wheat free lifestyle on January 1st. I didn't do so well on the 1 - 3rd because my work schedule and not properly prepared. I have done better since Friday, I even successfully went out to eat last night and did not touch the bread and had a great dinner. I…
  • Hi, count me in too. I just finished my 1st day of 30 day shred. I will be working tomorrow (leave at 6am and home around 7:45pm) So, I'm not sure how to handle to work days. But I'll double up if I miss a day. :flowerforyou: Add me as a friend so I can keep up with everyones progress. Happy Shredding! Bobbie PS let me…
  • Wow! that is amazing. I just got the 30 day shred in mail. I'm starting tomorrow!
  • I've been using MFP for about 2 weeks. I have lost about 1.5 to 2 lbs. I was reading over the success posts and decided to try the 30 day Shred. I hope I have as much success as others have had. I'll keep you posted on the results. Now just have to wait on the UPS guy to deliver my DVD. :) My goal is to loose 30-40 lbs.!