

  • I had this happen to me when I changed to a vegetarian diet... you would think with all the fruits and veggies I was adding it would be the opposite, but it took about a week for it to get worked out! I was so much happier when it did, lol. I agree more fiber helps as well as plenty of water. The change in diet definitely…
  • I tried it a few years ago and I was miserable I was in constant pain my back hurt all the time, I even had kidney stones, although I never thought those 2 were connected, I stopped taking it and started feeling better, my husband also used it with me and he didn't have any problems...
    in Alli Comment by Army_Mom April 2011
  • You look great! Awesome job!!
  • I don't think she did anything wrong posting that, I have not idea who sent it to her and no one else does, for all anyone knows I sent it to her. I have been on a few sites for weight loss and the forums here just blew me away at how quickly people will tell you that you are wrong in what you are doing.. I know people…