

  • I usually add some on top. Yesterday I put a few marshmallows in there too. It totally replaces dessert. Oh, and you might want to cut down the microwave time. A minute 30 should be enough. It just depends on your microwave and the settings.
  • http://samishealthy.tumblr.com/post/12966626039/mini-protein-breakfast-cake-chocolate-peanut I usually just do a half scoop of protein powder, 1T cocoa powder, 3T egg whites, 1T milk, and a mashed banana. It's soo yummy!!
  • It doesn't matter how often you eat. As long as you eat enough, but not too much, you'll be fine with three bigger meals. I recently switched from 6 small meals to three larger meals and I'm much more satisfied throughout the day. Plus it saves a ton of time.
  • This is happening to me too. And really, I have no clue why. All I can tell you is layer. Double socks, triple pants, and as many shirts as you can put on. Crazy, but better than shivering all the time.