Dealing with the cold...

I notice that, as I get closer and closer to my goal, I am cold ALL the time. My hands are especially cold. This is making me super nervous for the winter, because I'm already wimping out all the time and it's only 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Is this happening to anyone else?


  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Yes - I stay cold. I also think it has something to do with the amount of water I drink. Brrrrrr... I'm cold right now in my 73 degree house a matter of fact - off to take a hot shower.
  • BeautifulIllusion19
    Are you eatting enough fat? I had the same exact problem, I wasn't eatting enough calories and I made myself very very sick. Make sure you aren't excercising too much and that you are eatting enough cals a day.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    Yep losing weight has all sorts of weird unintended consequences. Without my protective layer of fat (i am still overweight), i am def colder! :)
  • levesunt
    This is happening to me too. And really, I have no clue why. All I can tell you is layer. Double socks, triple pants, and as many shirts as you can put on. Crazy, but better than shivering all the time.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I am also cold! I have my little space heater on me now. That is how I sit most of the time. I have a blanket at work i cuddle up with..... I am also nervous how it is going to be when it for real gets cold!
  • gretchensdoll
    I'm super cold all the time so I use a trick I learned in Japan. In the fabric store you can find ribbing, get any color you want. I measure from under breasts to above hips then add 6-8 inches to tuck it up and down, then wear it around under my clothes, it makes a huge difference.
  • taylorromanyk
    Freeeezing. The thermostat in my dorm room is up all the way, but I still wear fleece pajama pants, hoodies and thick socks. I look ridiculous hahaha.
  • tschmelzer
    I am always always cold!! The girls I work with are all overweight and when they are sweating I am frozen with a scarf and jacket on. It is a consequence of being skinnier. But I would rather be cold and skinny that hot and fat lol
  • tschmelzer
    Ever since I posted to this and read all y'alls posts I am absolutely freezing!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrr
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Try cayenne pepper. It's supposed to help. You can get it in capsule form. My mom's friend said his mom used to freeze every winter and he got her taking cayenne pepper capsules in winter and now she's never cold. He takes cayenne every winter as well.

    Personally, I have never tried it. I do try adding cayenne pepper to food when I cook if it will compliment the other flavours. Maybe some winter I will try the capsules since I'm always cold...and live where winter is really cold...