Chris50mfp Member


  • great job I hope it went well
  • I think the key is to prioritize what's important and try to carve out a little bit of time for yourself we set a goal no matter if it's 30 minutes for cleaning or for exercise but most importantly some time for you and your family make them apart of the journey feel free to friend me if you'd like you can always talk…
  • welcome back I have been on and off MSRP myself for quite awhile today is actually my first day back after being gone for at least a couple of months the great thing about this community is there's no judging only great help feel free to add me if you'd like as well as anybody else
  • Congratulations both of you! I am 48 need to lose about 40 lbs and go back and forth good on exercise bad on eating - Both of you please feel free to friend me here or FB - this site is great for Support & especially when you want to blow off steam - sometimes just venting helps a lot ! - Heermandy - I had never thought…
  • Hey little Momma - No need to fret, you see it and now its done with you will get back on track and do great things how area your exercise habits? Feel free to add & msg me for support - Chris
  • Wannabe I am in same boat increased BP because of increased weight working with Dic best idea along with what Charlie said - Here is to getting better, friend me if you want always enjoy new friends and support
  • Just decided and everyone, you guys rock! Keep moving, never get down on yourself but hold yourself accountable. The best is yet to come! Feel free to add me and msg whenever
  • Thank you!
  • Welcome - I just came over from lose it - and looking for a good community - so far so good !
  • Sounds great but I think they might get a little concered If I showed up to run lol Ill let you know what I find
  • Hi Guys Im Chris from Zion and I will help support ! cause I need it too! So feel free to add & msg whenever you want
  • Doing good yesterday was a great day at crossfit although I cant do a handstand to save my life lol I can walk the wall backwards! add to that some squat cleans and multiple rounds I call it a good day. Bummed that I cant check group stuff on phone lol worse things in life to worry about Sun is out and it will be a good…