dishonour Member


  • I used to but found I was going way too overboard. I also fell into the mindset of 'well I've had a day off, what's one more?' and manage to slump for 3-4 days. My problem is willpower so I find it best to avoid temptation, otherwise I find it harder to resist after one day off plan. If I know of an upcoming blowout -…
  • North East here! Anyone feel free to add, I could do with a friends/motivation boost :)
  • Dream job: Music/alternative lifestyle journalist. Actual job: Supermarket checkout monkey. They're not even vaguely similar, I'm working on it.
  • It depends on the quality of said tattoos. If a girl (or guy) is covered in badly-done work then no, that's not attractive, and those are the kind of tattoos that will degrade to blurs of nothingness over time. And I don't mean bad like 'I don't like that design', I mean bad like low standard - it's easy to tell the…
  • Massive congratulations! I have the same target as you and if I look even half as good when I reach it I'll be a happy bunny. You look amazing for it, well done! xo
  • North Yorkshire girl here!
  • I HOPE mine shrink as I carry on! I'm a 38G and can feel the band becoming more loose, but so far no change on the cup size. The pain they cause is unreal, I seriously hope they get down to around a manageable D.
  • hey all! i'm kayleigh, 24 from catterick. i've done slimming world before but it got too expensive but i'm about to re-start tomorrow using my old books and existing cobwebby knowledge of the plan. i lost 2 stone 4lbs last time i went but have put it all back on simply due to laziness and general life unhappiness, but i'm…
  • hello! age: 24 height: 5'3" SW: 265.2 CW: 257.2 GW: 140
  • I have rewards planned for different targets. Because I have so much to lose it's not as frequent as every 10lbs, but the rewards vary from new hair extensions, upgraded makeup, a pair of shoes, new underwear, finishing off a tattoo, getting my eyebrows waxed and, ultimately, a pair of skinny jeans! I'm wanting to lose…
  • I haven't read through this ENTIRE thread, but I share each and every frustration with all you other PCOS ladies out there. Some days I think 'Yeah I can do this, I'll kick some PCOS bum!' and then I stick to plan for months, eventually losing about 2lbs in the whole time...then it's back on again within 3 days! So then I…
  • Pink + Whites are 50 calories per sandwich. Perfect for quenching a sweet-toothed desire!
  • Thankyou for posting this. I've been off the wagon lately and feeling all doom and gloom, thinking it's never going to work, why even bother? etc... So reading this has helped. A lot. Back on track as of the morning thanks to yourself making me see sense :)