Women with Multiple Tatoos HOT OR NOT?



  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    tattoos are an expression of who i am on the inside, showing on the outside. some of us like our art to be permanent. to accent the grooves and curves of the human body with ink and color. i love my tattoos. i want more, but i'll have to save up first.

    I couldn't of said it better!!!! :)

    Agreed. I got my 5th yesterday on the inside of my ankle. It's a momento to my recent (1st) half marathon. The silhouette is me taken from a photo and the swirls and music notes represent the feeling and power I have running in perfect timing achieving my wildest dreams.

    Next up is a full side Buddha in full colour across my abs. I have dreams of running in a crop come this spring.... Too damn cold right now!!
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    I don't have any tattoos and never would have them but some of the designs are just incredible. I saw one on FB a little while ago, I wish I'd kept a picture of it to post here but maybe someone else has seen it before? It was a full ribcage cover, showing a depiction of the bones, sinews, organs, done in greyscale. Did anyone else ever see that one?

    The tattoo-ee(?) was a slender woman who must have a pain threshold like no other - or a friendly anaesthetist. The design was spell-binding and, even if you don't like tattoos, you couldn't fail to appreciate the art.

    I agree with the posters who say that design and artwork - along with the placement and 'model' - take a tattoo from something personal that only the owner loves, to something very special to a much wider audience.

    I'd never have one because I don't like 'permanence' but each to their own.
  • dishonour
    dishonour Posts: 15 Member
    It depends on the quality of said tattoos.
    If a girl (or guy) is covered in badly-done work then no, that's not attractive, and those are the kind of tattoos that will degrade to blurs of nothingness over time. And I don't mean bad like 'I don't like that design', I mean bad like low standard - it's easy to tell the difference between a truly pro piece of work vs a grotty scratcher-style piece. Well-done work with thought and time put into it, however, that is definitely attractive, plus the tattoos will age decently so they'll still be great to look at 40-50 years down the line.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    i've 3 tattoos. one on my shoulder, one on my lower back and one on my wrist. planning on getting another one once i hit my target.
  • I love tattoos and have 4 smallih tattoo's on my wrist and away to get a tattoo on my left lower leg from just below the knee to my ankle!

    Personal choice but I think tattoo's look great on both men and women - depending on what your tastes are :tongue:

  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    I like tattoos on a girl, but don't like girls to be covered in them. My partner has a daisy on her hip, 3 butterflies on her back and 2 love hearts on her bikini line and I like them all. For some strange reason I dont like large tattoos covering breasts and I dont like arms covered in them, but each to their own and all that. I am planning on getting 3 more done myself so I am certainly not against them.
  • New_Keeley
    New_Keeley Posts: 170 Member
    It depends on where they are, how many is multiple etc.

    I have 5 tattoos but I chose to have small ones that I can cover when the need arises. I'm a lawyer so having a chest piece (which I don't like personally on a woman) and wearing a blouse would not go down well with my partners or my clients!!
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    On any gender it'll depend on the artwork, which is entirely a matter of taste, whether I like it or not.
    Personally I think tattoos can be really hot on girls, and doesn't automatically mean they're masculine, I plan on getting my half-sleeve done this year or next (when I can afford it essentially!)

    PRIME EXAMPLE. Kat Von D. Regulation hottie:


  • murdy745
    murdy745 Posts: 71 Member
    I have full sleeves and tattoos everywhere...I don't know..when I was younger and training with older triathletes..though their tats were faded..there was just something about a fully tattooed awesome athlete...
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    On any gender it'll depend on the artwork, which is entirely a matter of taste, whether I like it or not.
    Personally I think tattoos can be really hot on girls, and doesn't automatically mean they're masculine, I plan on getting my half-sleeve done this year or next (when I can afford it essentially!)

    PRIME EXAMPLE. Kat Von D. Regulation hottie:



  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    What he said! ^

    Plus an additional .... SCHWING! and some PHWOAR!

  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Pretty sure girls with multiple tattoos probably don't give a **** whether someone thinks they're hot or not.

    ^^^THIS. I have 13 currently, with my 14th planned in 2 weeks. I don't give a rat's *kitten* whether or not you think I'm hot. I get them for ME, not you (you being John Q. Public). I have very beautiful pieces that were all custom drawn and done by professionals who specialize in custom work.
  • nray3119
    nray3119 Posts: 100 Member
    I have one behind each ear and some down my spine. I love them and wouldnt date anyone that didn't because they are a part of me.
    Boob tats are iffy for me just because gravity is a b****
  • comogirl
    comogirl Posts: 154 Member
    Not! They may look good now... but I can't imagine what they will look like in 30-40 years. **shudders** :)

    everyone says that but who cares you only live once I say go for it. I think they are hot but only on certain girls.
    I agree except for the certain girl part. Plus, I doubt I'm going to care what I look like in my golden years. At that age is the most unattractive thing about me really going to be some old tattoos? I have 5 and I love them all. I have one on the front of my lf hip at the bikini line, two on the back of my rt hip/ upper buttock, one on my lf ankle, and one on my rt foot. All easily covered. I love them all and always will! I find tattoos on people (men or women) sexy!
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    I'd rather see a woman's natural body and not be distracted by any art
  • gatorgirlyyy
    gatorgirlyyy Posts: 349
    I love all of my tats :)

  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    I have 6, still saving up for my 7th, but one of mine will be potentially be part destroyed tomorrow as since it's been done I've had a mole grow under it and it's been itching like a ***** :frown:
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I personally find them HOT! I have 2 and cant wait for the next... both are mine are hidden unless I want to show then off...I have the tramp stamp thing- vines with 3 lady bugs...and a pink butterfly on my hip....
  • _meremy
    _meremy Posts: 8 Member
    edited December 2015
    I love tattoos!! But I myself haven't got one, for religious reasons and personal
    but I have 11 piercings in total!!
    I LOVE my piercings - 5in each ear and a nose stud.(I'm a hijabi ;) )

    Im hoping to get another ear piercing but not sure yet.
    I personally think that tattoos and piercings are personal and upto the eye of the holder if the want them or not.
    I think that piercings are a safer bet as you can get rid of them without a a huge bill to foot.

    But if you have a tattoo, good on you be happy with it regardless of its past or meaning, it's made you who you are and same goes for the piercings.

    Have a Great day
  • bunnyghost
    bunnyghost Posts: 142 Member
    hot hot hot <3<3 i fall in love with everyone i meet who's covered in tattoos haha