

  • I have that problem. I don't know exactly how many calories I would intake during the day before hand, but I know I have never really eaten an whole lot. My friends have always made comments about how they didn't understand why I have weight problems when I don't eat a lot. Evidently it is because I don't eat enough. I…
  • Omg! I had totally forgotten about spaghetti squash, and we used to love to eat that! Now I must start cooking it again. I am glad someone mentioned it here.
  • I'm an right there with you! I have been working out for about 3 weeks now. I had expected to lose about 1-2 lbs a week. That hasn't happened. I am only down about 2.5lbs. It is really frustrating. However I did find out that the reason why I wasn't losing my weight was because I wasn't eating enough! Such a strange thing…