

  • I second the straw thing btw. It helps me drink more. Same with bottles. I can get up to 20 cups of water if I use a bottle.
  • Lemon water is good, but try cucumber slices and fresh basil (seriously!) or add some fresh blueberries or raspberries & fresh mint, orange slices & a piece of vanilla pod, pomegranate seeds/juice & mint. Plain water can be a bit dull but I've tried all the above and they're really yummy. Herbal teas are good too. Diet…
  • Oops. I think I misunderstood. If the scale is 5lbs down from what you last weighed, that's accurate. Re-check the starting weight you entered on MFP. Your ticker only shows the loss you input. If your starting weight is wrong, it won't show your correct losses. Maybe weigh yourself tomorrow, and enter that as your MFP…
  • Water weight still counts, IMO. Especially at the beginning. The best indicator is if the weight continues to come off. Try to weigh yourself once a week, wearing the same outfit, with the scales in the same place each time. Keep a log, and look back over a month. If you keep losing, it's real. I've lost 27lbs since…
  • Yeah, I won't step on the scale until Monday at the earliest! I usually weigh myself daily, or at least every couple of days, but I only log my weight loss once a month because it seems to give a better reflection of how my weight loss is going instead of the fluctuations which can be sooo depressing and frustrating.
  • Ok, I'll log the calories and eat as normal today. Thanks! I might make a food note so I can look back and remind myself it wasn't worth it. I didn't think it would be as much as it did, but two bottles of wine, half a pizza and dessert soon add up. :/ Oh well. Lesson learned! Thanks.