but is it real weight loss?

I'm starting to lose weight.....I think. According to the scale I've lost 5 pounds but according to my ticker, it only says I've lost one! I have trouble believing I've lost this weight. I tell myself it must be because I'm wearing different clothes today, I must of gone to the bathroom a lot, the scale must be wrong, etc, etc, etc. How will I know if I'm at the start of real weight loss or if its' just an error or water weight? I'm hopeful but still have trouble believing it.


  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Of course it's real weight loss! Just because your ticker has been set up with the wrong starting weight etc. doesn't mean you've actually not lost it! Chin up. :flowerforyou:
  • acegreen50
    Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after visiting the toilet and before eating or drinking and naked, if you do this then you should get an accurate weight
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Try going in to your settings and changing your star weight if it'd wrong:flowerforyou:
  • Laura165_
    Laura165_ Posts: 10
    Water weight still counts, IMO. Especially at the beginning. The best indicator is if the weight continues to come off. Try to weigh yourself once a week, wearing the same outfit, with the scales in the same place each time. Keep a log, and look back over a month. If you keep losing, it's real.

    I've lost 27lbs since January 1st and I still question if I'm losing fat or if it's just water weight. But it's 27lbs gone and it hasn't come back, so I try not to worry too much. Not to mention, there's only so much water weight someone can lose! Just keep at it and try not to think too much about it.
  • Laura165_
    Laura165_ Posts: 10
    Oops. I think I misunderstood.

    If the scale is 5lbs down from what you last weighed, that's accurate. Re-check the starting weight you entered on MFP. Your ticker only shows the loss you input. If your starting weight is wrong, it won't show your correct losses.

    Maybe weigh yourself tomorrow, and enter that as your MFP starting weight? That way, any following losses will be accurate.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Keep doing what you are doing, and if the weight continues to move in a downward direction you are losing, if it goes in the other way you are not and need to tweak what you are currently doing. You will need patience :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after visiting the toilet and before eating or drinking and naked, if you do this then you should get an accurate weight
    Now that really depends on what you count as 'accurate'. In reality you're never going to get an accurate weight because even if you do what you do and I also do there are still other biologica and environmental factors that will effect that weight. what your after is consistent data that shows that you're going in the correct direction. The number on the scale is a guide it will go up and down on a daily (and even hourly) basis you need to know and except this and just keep an eye on the trend. My ticker says I have lost 124 pounds well today I was at 4 pounds of gain yesterday I was at that number but tomorrow who knows. the thing is this is all with in the margins I have observed over the months so I know that the trend is going down. The weightloss number is a guide and an indicator that you are moving to a healthier person and in reality a weightloss number shouldn't be the aim of this. The aim is to get healthier no matter what the number reads