coakes31 Member


  • I Just finished my 30 day walking challenge and I feel awesome! Once I figure out how to load up pics I will post what I looked like before and after....I really can see a difference! Im going to keep walking everyday like I have been and make it my next 60 day challenge since I have to go back and see the doc in 2
  • **Thats awesome that you walk to work. If I worked closer and the weather cooperated all the time I would but I live in MN so I hate the winter, no fun walking then! lol I just might have to go get me one of those to see how much I walked by then! Thanks for the idea. =)
  • Im trying to learn myself with this. I say thanks and smile but in my head I start analyzing it of what I think they really mean, etc I just need to keep telling myself that I am all the things (good things) that people say to me and not think of the negative things Ive heard in the past or read between the lines.…
  • Walt, Can I ask what your using for MRP's? Ive been looking for one that is good for times when I need it.
  • Thanks everyone. I know it can be done, im down 28 lbs and have been on a healthy diet (as much as I can). Im going to keep at it and I know I will get there. Thanks for all the info and Im glad im not the only one out there that is also doing it at home and seeing progress. =)
  • I buy a rotissarie chicken and take all the meet off and then throw in a packet of taco seasoning with some water and 1/2 a jar of Salsa and shred the chicken while it is cooking. If it looks like it needs more liquid u can add more. I take some and spread it on some tortillas with cheese and then grill it. Top with FF or…
  • Where do you find muscle milk?
  • Never heard of it but it looks like a bunch of fun to me! Might have to check that out.
  • I make these all the time, they are yummy. My kids really love them too. Tastes good with other flavors of cool whip and grahm crackers.
  • Thanks for the great Idea. I love how you use the little ramikens (sp) I think thats a great idea in portion control and less temptation to go back for seconds when made in a 9 x 13 Im sure we could do this with many kinds of dishes gives me an Idea for when the family wants tator tot hotdish. Simple dishes like…
  • What kinds of foods do you like and dont like? What have you been eating for meals?
    in food help Comment by coakes31 May 2011
  • Only a MN girl would leave for work this week in sandals and then realizes its flaking out but still goes to work in said sandals...LOL Its like breaking out the shorts when it hits 50.... Another MN here....south of the cities....
  • Where do you buy those? And are they reasonably priced?
    in flax seeds Comment by coakes31 May 2011
  • I know Im going through the same thing too, looking for ideas myself. Will have to try some of these. Im a salty-sweet combo person and want to run to the store and get my chocolate fix BUT I havent...Yay me! But in the end if I need to I will have something, but in moderation. I really hate these TOM's......
  • Thanks for sharing, will be making this over the weekend!
  • I was watching Dr Oz the other day on this and he was talking about 3 kinds of milk...Coconut, Almond and Hemp I attached the link in case you wanted to see what he was talking about. Coconut helps with weight loss, Almond helps with your skin and Hemp is supposed help with your memory.…
  • I have the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds dvds and also The Biggest Loser 30 Day challenge. Leslie's are walking based and she also incorporates using weights and bands. Biggest loser of course has a little be of everything for all areas of your body. Im obese :sad: and can move right along with them and you can…
  • Its easier said than done I know, but this is what I know and try to go by. When going to family/friends houses for holiday meals use a smaller plate. If there isn't one out, ask for one or bring your own. This will help you stay on track with the amount of food you put on it. You should be able to see the outside of the…
  • I have this one, you will definately get a work out!
  • Hate to admit this but I camped out in a blizzard for NKOTB tickets when I told my parents I was spending the night at a friends house. I think I was 14 too.
  • Ive had plenty growing up, I was not always skinny. The few that stuck out to me are: My gym teacher in high school used to call me "Whale it Whaley" my last name was Whaley. Hated him for that because when we played soft ball thats what everyone would cheer. Lets just say he made gym hell which led me to lose 75 lbs…
  • Makes me think of the line from the movie Great Outdoors with John Candy....."Have you ever seen whiter whites?"
  • I confess...that I put everyone's needs before mine. I confess...that I hate exercising, but I know I have to do it. I confess...that I love my husband, but our marriage has been difficult for a long time. I confess...that it kills me everyday knowing my husband tells woman their beautiful but never tells me that I am. I…
  • Ive heard of it, but have yet to try it. It is on my list to buy. =) I watched a clip from Dr Oz tonight and he was talking about 3 miracle health drinks, all by the way are milk products. 1-helps with weight loss, 2-helps give you great skin and 3-great for your memory! Now all of these are on my list to try.…
  • Heather, you can do it girl! I been doing this for a few months and have lost 17lbs. Kapana said it right, this site is awesome. =) I work a FT job plus OT when needed and take care of 4 kids ranging from 15,10,8 1/2 and 5 pretty much FT by myself because my husbands job requires him to travel a lot and also 3 of the 4…