

  • today i was absent from class do to some family issues.
  • Today I worked on my cardio playing soccer for a bout 25 minutes and basketball with abdullah a band coach Ali for about 20 minutes.
  • Today I didn't feel well so I missed class.
  • Today mr.ali was kind enough to give me a study period since I was the only one in class. Thanks coach the study period helped me a lot.
  • I was the only one in class today so me and me.ali went over my project. I then played some basket ball and me.ali was kind enough to give me the rest of the period to study.
  • Today I had a good workout. I did 3 sets of bench press 45lbs. Followed by 3 sets of barbell curls 20 lbs. ending my workout with 3 sets of calf raises 145 lbs
  • I had a real good workout today. I ran for 10 minutes on the treadmill and got on the bike for about 30 minutes. I really felt good after finishing.
  • This a check for my reflections.
  • Today I came to class late due to killer traffic. Mr. Ali gave me a "study period" which effected my consistency in training.
  • Today I did 3sets of 40lbs chest press. Following it by 3seta of incline push-ups. I then moved to 2 arm tri extensions.1arm tri extensions. Tricep pull downs 2arm and one arm. Ending it with dips.
  • Today I worked my chest and tris by doing 3 sets of bench press 40lbs. And 3 sets of perfect push-ups. I also did 3 sets of tricep extensions 12kgs . And I also did bench dips.
  • Today I worked on cardio running for 15 minutes on the tredmill. Then I hoped on the bike for a while. I feel really good about myself
  • Today I worked out my chest with 3 sets of 10 rpm (30 lbs). Then I worked my abbs. I did 3 sets of 30 sec mountain climbers. After that I used the medicine ball to do 3 sets of crunches (10 rpm). Ending my abb workout with a 40 sec plank. I finished my workout with 5 minutes on the tredmill and 10 minutes on the bike.
  • Today I did cardio for a while running up and down the stairs. Then I got tired and sat in the hall.
  • I have discovered many similarities and differences between the article "Precision Nutrition" and what Mr.Ali has taught us in our fitness class. For example the article states that you should eat every 2-3 hours which is also a part of Mr.Ali's rule of 3. the article also supports what Mr.Ali taught us in class by telling…
  • Today I did 3 sets of push ups (10 reps). Then I did 3 sets of dumbbell bench press (30 lbs). Then I did 3 sets of flies (6 kg). Then I did 3 sets of tricep extentions (10 kg)
  • Today I did biceps and back. I did 3 sets of level 7 sitting rows. Then I did 3 sets of level 8 lat pull downs both wide and close. I followed that with 3 sets of one arm lifts (30 lbs). Finishing my workout with 3 sets of standing curls (10 kg).
  • Today I did some cardio along with some abb workouts. I jogged for 10 minutes on the tredmil. Then I hoped on the bike for 5 minutes. After that I did 3 sets of sit-ups (12 reps). Then I did 3 sets of Russian twists (12reps). Even though I did them slowly I still didn't feel the same burn I did when I used weights.
  • Today I weighed myself with coach Ali. I was alittle disappointed. Instead of gaining some weight I actually lost 2 pounds. I think it's because I've been eating less and moving around more. To change this disappointment I will start eating right and try to stick with the rule of 3.