Wdgibbs Member


  • I just finished Ripped in 30 over the course of April. I can't say that I am ripped, as I have about 10 -20 lbs more to lose, but I can say that I am toned and I feel better! I wore the same Easter dress as last year when I was 10 lbs lighter. Plus, doing it over the couse of April has made me feel like I can stick with…
  • I felt that some of the moves resembles P90X too.....and that is exactly why I love the Shred and Ripped....because it can be done in a half hour. I feel as though I can squeeze a half an hour in my day instead of an hour or more. I still have 5 days left of Level 3 before I get to 4. I'll let you know when I get there.
  • I know...the duck walks were awful! I don't know if I will be able to get through Level 3 in 7 days. I want to be able to do all of the moves and right now, I can't even do some of the modified versions
  • Anyone else to Level 3? Yesterday was my first day of it and it really about killed me...and I just finished the Shred before starting this. The moves a lot more challenging and it took me a bit to catch on. I have been dreading doing it today...
  • Is your blog on this website? I would love to follow it!
  • Have any of you committed to doing this in April? I started April 1st with the goal of doing all 30 days before the end of the month...hoping that will happen though, as it took me about 35 to finish 30DS. Is anyone following the meal plan?