Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    I finished day 1 of week 2.. WOW! I am glad there were no burpees, but I hated the running mans with the plank jacks... I don't mind all of the plank work, I think that is a little much. I also didn't get the move where you sit up with your hands by your hips and then go up into the ridge... My arms are too short for this...Anyway... I will figure out a way to make it work... Good luck to you all! Thanks!

    I just did D1 of W2 and I thought the pushup with side leg raises was the worst. My arms are to short too, or my booty is to big to not touch the ground when doing this move also.
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    Anyone else hit a plateau the first week of doing ripped?

    What are you eating? It may be time to shake up your eating plan?
    I try my best to stay healthy and in calorie range, but I do get tired of eating the same things.
  • Wdgibbs
    Wdgibbs Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone else to Level 3? Yesterday was my first day of it and it really about killed me...and I just finished the Shred before starting this. The moves a lot more challenging and it took me a bit to catch on. I have been dreading doing it today...
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Anyone else to Level 3? Yesterday was my first day of it and it really about killed me...and I just finished the Shred before starting this. The moves a lot more challenging and it took me a bit to catch on. I have been dreading doing it today...

    I just did Day 1 of lvl 3. Wow it was killer! I burned most of the calories just in the first circuit. The ducky walks were the worst.

    I know I will be doing this dvd again for another 30 days after like I did the shred!
  • Hello ladies! I'm new to the board, but I'm on Week 3 Day 2 of the Shred and today was rough! These moves are cra-zay!!!! Anyway, I have a question. So, it's supposed to be a 30 day program, but I take 2 days off per week, so if I do each workout for one calendar week at the end I'll only have done 20 workouts. Is that correct? I guess I could just do week 4 twice, but I think I'll be ready to move on to something different after a month of Jillian.
  • Wdgibbs
    Wdgibbs Posts: 7 Member
  • Wdgibbs
    Wdgibbs Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone else to Level 3? Yesterday was my first day of it and it really about killed me...and I just finished the Shred before starting this. The moves a lot more challenging and it took me a bit to catch on. I have been dreading doing it today...

    I just did Day 1 of lvl 3. Wow it was killer! I burned most of the calories just in the first circuit. The ducky walks were the worst.

    I know I will be doing this dvd again for another 30 days after like I did the shred!

    I know...the duck walks were awful! I don't know if I will be able to get through Level 3 in 7 days. I want to be able to do all of the moves and right now, I can't even do some of the modified versions
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Anyone else to Level 3? Yesterday was my first day of it and it really about killed me...and I just finished the Shred before starting this. The moves a lot more challenging and it took me a bit to catch on. I have been dreading doing it today...

    I just did Day 1 of lvl 3. Wow it was killer! I burned most of the calories just in the first circuit. The ducky walks were the worst.

    I know I will be doing this dvd again for another 30 days after like I did the shred!

    I know...the duck walks were awful! I don't know if I will be able to get through Level 3 in 7 days. I want to be able to do all of the moves and right now, I can't even do some of the modified versions

    I did day 2 today and it was alot better then yesterday. I think after knowing the moves I am more confident! I still cant do the ab hold. I seem to be using my arms to much or maybe i should be.

    I am still going to do just 1 week of each workout then restart it. It seemed to work best for me with the shred.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Hello ladies! I'm new to the board, but I'm on Week 3 Day 2 of the Shred and today was rough! These moves are cra-zay!!!! Anyway, I have a question. So, it's supposed to be a 30 day program, but I take 2 days off per week, so if I do each workout for one calendar week at the end I'll only have done 20 workouts. Is that correct? I guess I could just do week 4 twice, but I think I'll be ready to move on to something different after a month of Jillian.

    I would do 10 days of each lvl for shred. And 5-6 days of each lvl for ripped in 30.
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    OMG i did level 4 today! I had the intention to keep doing level 3, but my curiosity got the best of me and clicked level 4. I tend to get reallllly bored with doing the same workout and am not the type to follow any kind of program, I just kind of do my own thing. The moves are different and challenging, and are kinda cool to do. I couldn't complete probably any of the moves without stopping, but I'm looking forward to being able to improve! Not to go on and on... but I have also done P90X workouts including Plyometrics, interval X, and a Cardio/core workout and MANY of the moves you see in ripped in 30 are done in P90X. So rather than working out for an hour (and don't get me wrong P90X is NO joke) but I love that ripped in 30 includes the same exercises and with such intensity that a great workout can be completed in 20-25 min. Good luck, I'd love to hear about what you guys think about level 4 too!
  • Wdgibbs
    Wdgibbs Posts: 7 Member
    OMG i did level 4 today! I had the intention to keep doing level 3, but my curiosity got the best of me and clicked level 4. I tend to get reallllly bored with doing the same workout and am not the type to follow any kind of program, I just kind of do my own thing. The moves are different and challenging, and are kinda cool to do. I couldn't complete probably any of the moves without stopping, but I'm looking forward to being able to improve! Not to go on and on... but I have also done P90X workouts including Plyometrics, interval X, and a Cardio/core workout and MANY of the moves you see in ripped in 30 are done in P90X. So rather than working out for an hour (and don't get me wrong P90X is NO joke) but I love that ripped in 30 includes the same exercises and with such intensity that a great workout can be completed in 20-25 min. Good luck, I'd love to hear about what you guys think about level 4 too!

    I felt that some of the moves resembles P90X too.....and that is exactly why I love the Shred and Ripped....because it can be done in a half hour. I feel as though I can squeeze a half an hour in my day instead of an hour or more. I still have 5 days left of Level 3 before I get to 4. I'll let you know when I get there.
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    I have been kinda slacking lately but yesterday I did Ripped in 30 with my mom and so I did level 1 with her and i seriously could not believe how "easy" it was and how i was able to do EVERYTHING without stopping. I am so impressed with where my strength has gone throughout this whole journey!
  • Looks like you and I are on the same weight & goal plan :happy:
    I saw your signature block and it looks exactly like mine - including weight lost to date !!
    I really like MFP so far - even on days like today when I get stuck at the same weight for a while.
    Good luck to ya !
  • forkeeps
    forkeeps Posts: 79 Member
    Fell off the wagon...
    I can't get motivated to get up and do my Ripped DVD. I haven't seen Jillian since Thursday of last week. And I'm only on Level 1!! I think part of it is that I finally got furniture in my living room and the area feels a little claustrophobic when I think of exercising in it...I HAVE to get over that!! Any tips on the motivation issue??
  • I started Jillian's 30 Day Shred last night.. am happy to say that today I am sore!! My gym closed about a month ago and instead of pushing on I turned into a slacker :) Jillian's DVD is going to change that I think, given the posts I'm reading and the results! I hope to stay in touch w/ all of you.
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Hello! I am on L3D7 of the 30DS and plan on starting Ripped in 30 after. I’m so glad I found this thread. You are all doing so great! And it’s awesome to see every one encouraging each other! I hope I can do as well as all of you! Keep up the great work!!
  • Started the Ripped in 30 Saturday!! I thought I was in shape till now!! I had a hard time keeping up but I am determined to reach my 12pd weight loss goal. I am also doing the meal plan- is anyone else?
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    Started the Ripped in 30 Saturday!! I thought I was in shape till now!! I had a hard time keeping up but I am determined to reach my 12pd weight loss goal. I am also doing the meal plan- is anyone else?
    HA! i thought the same thing when I started, I was like well I thought I was in shape, guess not! But believe me it will get better! Im on level 4 now,(I kind of cycle through them, one day level 3, then level 2, then 4, then 3 blah blah and so on) I love seeing the results in my arms, legs and tummy! I don't do the meal plan, but have been sticking to my calories better. Good luck!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    CMG ~ Thanks for introducing me to this thread!!!

    I am soo excited I found you all!! I finished the 30DS on Sat. and started Ripped in 30 on Sun. I just finished D2 of level 1 and started jogging for the first time ever!! :happy: I am soo sore and I :heart: it!! Not looking to lose any weight, but I am looking to really tone up. I thought the shred was fantastic and have seen results for sure. Can't wait to get ripped!!! :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Fell off the wagon...
    I can't get motivated to get up and do my Ripped DVD. I haven't seen Jillian since Thursday of last week. And I'm only on Level 1!! I think part of it is that I finally got furniture in my living room and the area feels a little claustrophobic when I think of exercising in it...I HAVE to get over that!! Any tips on the motivation issue??

    You need to feel chall\enged by someone...:) I am feeling the same. Start today and get back on track! I will help you!
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