

  • oatmeal with blueberries for breakfasts and also apple slices with Weight Watchers swiss cheese wedge with lunch
  • I am 5'1 and now weigh 153, down from 164. My goal is 135 at age 51, lower cholesterol and BMI readings as well. When I was younger I went down to 120, but that is not a requirement to me now. My calories range from 1200 to 1440 depending on the day. When I just had it 1200 all the time, I quit losing, so I break it up now…
  • Give yourself some smaller rewards for every 10 pounds down too -- like a mani/pedi or new suitcase/hat/camera/dress for your trip. It will keep you motivated along the way to 50. Remember it is not always the weight lost, but your body changing as you go down (measurements) and feeling healthier make a big difference too.…
  • I am glad you posted that as I am having the same issue ---- weight not really going down lately, but clothes fitting so much nicer and feeling better too! Guess we just need to keep doing what we are doing and not worry about the scale as the only indicator of good work!
  • Your post is so inspiring for me! Thanks for sharing your process and progress in truthfulness and grace! Keep it going!
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