

  • Congratulations to you for your strong and steady progress...........very inspirational for a sluggo like me - but I am getting back on track and hearing your success story help me to stay motivated Thanks for share and have a fabulous day:) Robin:smile:
  • I do like salmon I think its a great fish but my youngest daughter didn't like so I started making salmon cakes (just like crab cakes but with salmon) the recipe I used was from Foodnetwork's Ina Garten - crab cakes. There are a few steps involved but Katie loves it when I make these so she will eat them and get the…
  • In the morning I am usually rushed but lately I have gotten into the habit of having a quick bowl of Kashi Autum Wheat (like shredded wheat only better) and it really helps me not to over eat later on in the day. And I also feel good that I made time for myself even though it was a quick breakfast it helps to set my day in…
  • Your stomach has more of curve to it................keep up the good work. Spring is almost here so its a great time to stay motivated. My eldest daughter is getting married in October that is my motivation to shed a few pounds; goal is 30 to 40 lbs. Stay active:)
  • Hi Michelle, I just joined today, my niece told me about this site. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding:) very exciting. I loved turning 30 I was actually pregnant with my second child at the time but being in your 30's is great. I am turning 50 this September so I giving myself a wake up call to get in shape. The one…