hello all!

Just wanted to introduce myself...
My name is Michelle, I am 29 years old and I live in TEXAS. I will be the big 3-0 in July which I am actually okay about =) I have two kiddos my oldest will be 10 yrs old in December and my youngest is 9 MONTHS!!! Huge gap right..i know but thats just the way it happen. I am getting married in May and I will to of course look super great on my weddind day. Hope to meet some encouraging ppl and make new friends! good luck to all =))


  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    Welcome, Michelle. I am brand new here, too : )
  • pwprice59
    pwprice59 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, I am in texas too, it is great to have you join us
  • Robinone
    Robinone Posts: 6
    Hi Michelle,

    I just joined today, my niece told me about this site. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding:) very exciting. I loved turning 30 I was actually pregnant with my second child at the time but being in your 30's is great. I am turning 50 this September so I giving myself a wake up call to get in shape. The one things about getting older is you still feel 23 or so but at the moment I am just not as fit as I once was.....................but that will change.

    Take Care,
  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    Congrats on the wedding!! Wedding planning is stressful, which has caused me to gain weight. We will both look awesome on our wedding days! Good Luck!