

  • Quite possibly you're gaining muscle before you start losing fat so while the number on the scale might be going up, your muscle mass might be going up. Also, due to hormonal fluctuations and water retention, especially before your period, you may notice a jump on the scale that has nothing to do with your workout. Tough…
  • try cetaphil lotion. it works great for dry skin, it's non clogging, and doesn't leave a heavy feeling on your face. i personally use it for various problem dry spots on my body. for my face i use the sensitive skin oil-free neutrogena face lotion. both can be found for under $10 at your nearest pharmacy.
  • butt crunches. get on your hands and knees and lift either leg back or sideways and up towards the ceiling. it works your glutes really well.
  • make sure you tell your friends that you are dieting, they will most likely remind you that you should be eating healthily. also, buddy up with someone, you might be able to run around campus or find some other fun activity to do as a group. find a friend with a kinect or a wii to get active indoors. don't limit yourself…