

  • Hello Orange Team, I apologize for being missing this entire week. I developed a dry socket and was in severe pain. Then, I found out I have an infection. Going to have to undergo surgery again to get things resolved. I've never had to pop so many pills in my life! Barely had the strength to sit up let alone think straight…
  • Wooh! We made it to 2nd place for the first week :) AND Ivonne was in 3rd for overall individual. Can't wait to start in on this Team Orange Mini Challenge. Hope every had a wonderful weekend, I spent most of it celebrating Cambodian New Years with my family.
  • Happy Belated Birthday Connie! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself :) I started eating solid food again (grilled salmon, meatloaf, etc) and it was DELICIOUS!!! Takes me about a year and a half to eat it at the rate I go but I don't mind. Today is Friday, so I'm going to go put my weight in on the spreadsheet. Down 6 lbs (I…
  • Hi Stephanie, I was just about to point out how similar we were after reading your intro post! I'm down to 222 lbs right now and my goal is also 200 for the challenge ;) Keep at it & have fun! We have a pretty great team of ladies here. I've been lightly working out again after a few days of rest, did 90 mins of stationary…
  • Great job on the push in the mini challenge Ivonne! An update for me: Still recovering from having all my wisdom teeth out. You have no idea how crazy I've been getting from not being able to eat solid food... But I went out for a walk yesterday and feel better. Going to try some light stationary biking today and can't…
  • They have 2 weeks to log their first weigh-in before the admin removes them from the list. "NOTE: MEMBERS WILL BE REMOVED AFTER MISSING TWO WEIGH-INS IN A ROW." - written above the spreadsheet.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss Ivonne, I just replied to your message & I'd be happy to step in and help out as team lead. Don't hesitate to message me if you ever need anything. That goes for all of Team Orange!
  • That's great lifeisspiffy! I recently helped organize a charity auction & ball to help raise $20k for the National MS Society. Something I plan to do every year from now on :) And posting here every day whenever you complete the mini challenge (or any of your own personal goals) is a good idea Fran.
  • A daily or weekly mini challenge would be fun, what did you have in mind Lara? I'm taking a break from strenuous exercise for the next 4-5 days to heal up first, but then I'll join in :)
  • I had a great first day! Set a goal of 90 mins of exercise & 1300-1500 food cals. Hit it! Just got 3 of my wisdom teeth taken out today though, so my eating will be all out of sync for the next week or so :/ Just planning to have soup & crackers + juice for a while >.<
  • Hello Team Orange, My name is Nancy and I'll be celebrating my 26th birthday during this challenge at the end of May :) I was at my heaviest at 230# just a week ago, but I've dropped a couple pounds while trying to get to know MFP and learning how to log food/exercise daily (my 1st time). I've been overweight for most of…
  • Congrats on making it into nursing school! I have 2 friends that finished (maile & female) and they seem quite happy living their dreams :) Don't let your weight get in the way of your dreams, you can definitely take control of it! Sending an FR your way :) (I also have quite a bit to lose: 80-100#)
    in Hey MFP! Comment by faerytale April 2014
  • Hi everyone! I'm Nancy, 25 (nearing 26), and looking to lose 80-100 lbs within the next 2 years. I am diagnosed with Retinitus Pigmentosa and am blind for the most part. I'm a terrible cook, but I like exercising. My problem has always been emotional eating but I'm at a place in my life of acceptance and happiness so I…
  • FR sent :)
  • I was going through the list to add my team members as friends, (WOOH! Go Team Orange!) and found that 3 of the names must be incorrect. One of them being our team leader: 89, 92, & 96. This is my 1st ever Challenge and I can't wait to get started :D
  • Just sent you a message :)