Orange Team!

Hey orange team!! I'll just start off by saying that I'm not the team leader but I have a little time on my hands so I thought I would get a topic started for us. I thought it would be great to get to know a little bit about each other so here goes...

My name's Kay and I'm a college student. I started out weighing 165 pounds at my highest and then dropped 15 pounds before gaining about 10 pounds back. The main reason I'm overweight is because I tend to overeat when I get stressed and I've since dealt with the stress eating but now I'm addicted to eating sugar for no reason (well I'm sure there are reason, i'm just not sure what they are). My family is mostly supportive although after I lost 15 pounds I noticed that they tried to get me to eat junk food with them more often (not sure if it's on purpose or not). I do have really awesome friends though and I'm ready to make a change and hopefully lose about 30 pounds :smile: I wish everyone the best of luck and I hope to hear some of your stories as well!

GO TEAM ORANGE!! :happy:


  • lifeisspiffy
    lifeisspiffy Posts: 166 Member

    I'm Connie. 24 years old (in a week). I substitute teach in my town. I gained weight during college and I want it to go back down to where it was before. About 10 pounds. My brother and his fiancee went super health mode and it inspired me to try and be healthier.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Hey Team! My name is Lara and I currently work in Law Enforcement. I think my story is similar to a lot of people's. In high school I was extremely active. I looked good (even though I didn't know it) and I felt good. My junior year I decided not to go out for the soccer team, but I still ate like I was working out 3 hours a night, 5 days a week. This obviously led to some weight gain. Then in college I gained the freshman 15... times 2. I guess I never took a good look at myself to realise that I had ballooned up so much. I have been out of college for 4 years now. I started MFP for the first time last year and had great success... down about 25 pounds. Then for some reason I stopped using it. I thought I could do it on my own and I didn't need to log anymore. Well that was just plain not true. I gained about 35 back :sad: So now I am back and heading in the right direction again. I am down 15 lbs with a conviction to finish it out this time!

    Can't wait to get to know all of you! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • corky90
    corky90 Posts: 35 Member
    hi team! my name is Courtney I started using my fitnesspal 2 years ago during a biggest loser challenge with friends and at that time I was 223 and I got down to 198 so once the challenge was over I stopped logging and gained 55 lbs back :(:(:( ... and now I am back at it again..... I have always been a bigger girl ( or so I thought) I look back at high school picture and wish I could be that small now and that was only 6 years ago .... so now im back on track and ready to get this weight off.... I think my biggest problem is self control I have a skinny boyfriend who eats junk food all the time and I have a hard time not eating all that crap I see him eat it lol ...but im working on that

    Ready for this 12 week challenge !!!!!!! WE CAN DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Hi All.. My name is Fran. I gained weight over the years.. started with never really losing my baby weight. Decided its time to focus on taking care of myself after taking care of everyone for years. I lost 10 pounds before joining MFP. I recently have started running and this has helped me break my plateau. I'm really excited about getting to know everyone Go orange!!!
  • faerytale
    faerytale Posts: 17
    Hello Team Orange,

    My name is Nancy and I'll be celebrating my 26th birthday during this challenge at the end of May :) I was at my heaviest at 230# just a week ago, but I've dropped a couple pounds while trying to get to know MFP and learning how to log food/exercise daily (my 1st time).

    I've been overweight for most of my life, I've never really been "skinny" but I've always been okay with being 180#. During the past 2-3 years though, I've been dealing with a lot of emotional stress and put on 50#. It's gotten out of control and I really need to reign it in before it can get worse. I'm 5'4" so I really don't carry this 200+ lbs well at all.

    As for "the" story, it's a long one so you can skip to the end if you want.
    @9: I was diagnosed with Retinitus Pigmentosa; a genetic & degenerative eye disorder that causes severe eye impairments & blindness. My mother (I could write a whole book on her), locked me away in the house until I was about 15. She never taught me the value of exercise or good eating. I ate out of boredom & sadness most of the time. It wasn't until I grew bigger than her that I was able to get a part time job in high school, make some friends, & venture out into the world.
    @16: I already suffered from lack of a peripheral vision, but by 16 I also lost all of my night vision. Some angsty teen years but I got through it with some good friends & falling in and out of love.
    @19: I lost all vision in my right eye. This was hard during college but I kept busy and got through it.
    @23: Became so blind that I can't go out without a cane, guide dog, or help. Lots of emotional eating, I had weeks & months where I couldn't get out of bed due to sheer hopelessness & depression.

    I'm now 25, engaged, and dealt with all my fears/demons regarding my blindness. I work at home but spend 8-12 hours a day on it (designing sites, crafting databases for clients, and now learning how to program apps for iOS).

    I have a wedding in 2 years so I'd like to be to feel like a princess by then... hoping to drop 20-30 pounds by the end of this challenge!

    My stationary bike came in today! Wooh!
  • Did everyone have a great first day of the challenge? :smile:
  • faerytale
    faerytale Posts: 17
    I had a great first day! Set a goal of 90 mins of exercise & 1300-1500 food cals. Hit it!

    Just got 3 of my wisdom teeth taken out today though, so my eating will be all out of sync for the next week or so :/ Just planning to have soup & crackers + juice for a while >.<
  • Loula2011
    Loula2011 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Orange Team!!!

    I'm Lindsay and a mother of two. I have a couple of weddings this year to attend and would like to be looking my best. So, I thought this challenge would be a great way to help keep me motivated and on track.

    I've been on MFP for 3 years and when I remember to use it I do good. I lost 20lbs when I first started on here and was doing great at maintaining it until I was in two car accidents with in 6 months of each other. Then I lost my motivation somewhere after that. And now I'm at the heaviest I've ever been.....way too close to 200lbs than I would like to be. So, I have decided to do something about it and never be in the 190's again.

    For this challenge I would like to be around 180lbs by the end of it. For life I would like to be in between 120-135lbs. I'm 5 feet tall, so I think this would be a nice healthy weight for my size.

    Good luck to everyone in meeting their goals.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Hey Team!

    Would anyone be interested in doing mini challenges each week within the team? Just a little something to keep us motivated??
  • faerytale
    faerytale Posts: 17
    A daily or weekly mini challenge would be fun, what did you have in mind Lara? I'm taking a break from strenuous exercise for the next 4-5 days to heal up first, but then I'll join in :)
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    I was thinking about starting with something small and building up each week. I'll go ahead and post a challenge each week and anyone who wants to join in is more than welcome to! Be sure to post in the thread once you have completed the challenge if you choose to participate! :bigsmile:

    4/6- 4/12 :
    Strength -- Do 100 curtsey lunges (50 per leg) throughout the week.
    Cardio -- 60 minutes of your choice.
  • I love that idea! Let's do it :D
  • lifeisspiffy
    lifeisspiffy Posts: 166 Member
    I love mini challenges. Definitely a good way to keep motivated for me.

    I like your challenges Lara. Is it for the whole week or per day? If it's 60 minutes of cardio for the week, I'm already done. Did the MS walk today for 84 minutes. About 4.5 miles. It was excellent.

    How's everybody's weekend? It's beautiful around here today and UConn men made it to the finals which is surprising and awesome!!!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    I figured we could start small and 60 minutes for the week. I'm not sure what fitness level everyone is at so I don't want anyone to feel left out or like they can't accomplish the challenge. If everyone completes it easily we can crank it up next week!

    lifeisspiffy- way to go on the MS Walk! A friend of mine's mom was diagnosed a couple of years ago and I try to do the walk every year!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    I'm defiantly in for the mini challenge!!! Should we post here every day with what we have done?? Hope everyone is having a great weekend
  • faerytale
    faerytale Posts: 17
    That's great lifeisspiffy! I recently helped organize a charity auction & ball to help raise $20k for the National MS Society. Something I plan to do every year from now on :)

    And posting here every day whenever you complete the mini challenge (or any of your own personal goals) is a good idea Fran.
  • santiagoivonne22
    santiagoivonne22 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Team!!

    My name is Ivonne and i was selected to the team lead. However, my sister passed away this past week and i have become the gardian to 2 beautiful boys. Being that i am new to this parenting thing I wont have the time to dedicate to being a leader. Would someone please volunteer to step up as team lead being that i will most likely only have time to do mini challenges and weigh-in.

    A little about myself: my sister and i started on our weight loss journey together. Our goal was to become the healthiest we could be, losing weight was just a part of that. I joined this challenge to be held accountable to make sure this happens. With my sister's passing, i have made it one of my main priorities to finish what we started.
  • faerytale
    faerytale Posts: 17
    I'm so sorry for your loss Ivonne, I just replied to your message & I'd be happy to step in and help out as team lead.

    Don't hesitate to message me if you ever need anything. That goes for all of Team Orange!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Ivonne, I am so sorry for your loss. Please let us know if you need anything!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Ivonne sorry for your loss...