Orange Team!



  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Second place is awesome for our first week! Way to go team!!! Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!

    Our mini challenge for this week is:

    Cardio- 120 minutes (60 was way too low for most of the team so I figured we could handle doubling it this week!)
    Strength- 100 bow and arrows (50 each arm)
    Nutrition- Drink an extra 8 oz of water everyday
  • lifeisspiffy
    lifeisspiffy Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes =)

    Yay team orange!

    I finally finished the curtsy lunges last night. This weeks mini challenge sounds great. 120 minutes sounds like a lot. Going to have to make sure I get to the gym at least a couple of times and now that the weather is nice, I can take a walk/jog around the block.
  • faerytale
    faerytale Posts: 17
    Wooh! We made it to 2nd place for the first week :) AND Ivonne was in 3rd for overall individual.

    Can't wait to start in on this Team Orange Mini Challenge.

    Hope every had a wonderful weekend, I spent most of it celebrating Cambodian New Years with my family.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Psyched for this weeks mini challenge!

    I start a TRX class tomorrow

    Will have to google the strength challenge bow and arrows for this week!!! 30 min run this morning counting toward this weeks cardio.

    Go ORANGE!!!!!
  • santiagoivonne22
    santiagoivonne22 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry I haven't checked in for a couple of days. we had my nephews move in this weekend. lots of fun and stress haha. Super happy to hear we a doing well kicking off this first weigh-in. Proud of TEAM ORANGE!! let keep it up. This weeks mini challenge is going to be tough. especially drinking an extra 8oz of water a week! it super hard for me to drink water. not because i cant i just dont like water. any ideas how to get those extra 8oz in this week?
  • corky90
    corky90 Posts: 35 Member
    good morning Orange team

    happy to hear we were in sec place !!!!!!! that's awesome .... and very excited about this weeks mini challenge but idk what bow and arrow arm are but I will google ....good luck ladies
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry I haven't checked in for a couple of days. we had my nephews move in this weekend. lots of fun and stress haha. Super happy to hear we a doing well kicking off this first weigh-in. Proud of TEAM ORANGE!! let keep it up. This weeks mini challenge is going to be tough. especially drinking an extra 8oz of water a week! it super hard for me to drink water. not because i cant i just dont like water. any ideas how to get those extra 8oz in this week?

    I don't like water either! You can try infusing your water with your favorite fruit! I personally use Crystal Light packets. I know they aren't the best for you, but using them helps keep me hydrated.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Happy Tuesday Orange Team!!!! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • s258705r
    s258705r Posts: 96 Member
    I saw this, and thought it was interesting and should help you drink your water.

    Having trouble drinking all your water for the day? Lets have fun and drink water at the same time!!!

    This is for your news-feed....

    Drink once if:
    - Someone has a logging streak over 30 days.
    - Someone completed their daily log and was under their calories.

    Drink twice if:
    - someone posts they burned more 500 calories

    Drink thrice if:
    - someone complains about going over, cheating.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    ^^^ Thats a cool idea!

    Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!! I got super sick last night and haven't been able to keep anything down :sad: If anything I guess I'll be able to post a loss this week. Hahaha.

    How's everyone doing on the mini challenge this week? Before I got sick last night I got about 80 mins of cardio in! The water might be a problem for me today, but I'm trying. Let's finish out the rest of the week strong!
  • lifeisspiffy
    lifeisspiffy Posts: 166 Member
    Finished the bow and arrow exercises. Now my arms hurt. =)
    I have not been doing well with cardio. The weather has not been my friend this week. Tons of rain Tuesday and then back to super cold with some snow on the ground Wednesday. Ridiculous. Hopefully my weigh in is good this week. Want to be negative because last week I wasn't. Tomorrow, I'm potentially going to move some garbage out of my grandmas old house so Idk what kind of time I will have. Maybe I'll do a lot of walking around the house.
  • lifeisspiffy
    lifeisspiffy Posts: 166 Member
    And a gain again. Another half a pound up. I clearly need to change something. Need to be stricter with the calories. And this weekend probably is going to be too many calories because of Easter and I'm going up to Boston to watch my dad run the marathon. This may be trouble. But I will prevail soon.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Happy Thursday Orange Team!!! Will weigh in tomorrow morning. Almost done my cardio of this weeks mini challenge!! Don't know if Ill finish bow and arrows though. Focused on getting ready for my 5k this Saturday!! If I don't make it back on the this thread Hope everyone has a nice Easter/ or Passover!!!
  • corky90
    corky90 Posts: 35 Member
    finished cardio for the week but not doing good with water and still need to do bow and arrow arms ..... tonight is not going to be a good calorie night I have a double bridal shower
  • s258705r
    s258705r Posts: 96 Member
    Just logged my weekly weight and had a 4lb. loss from last week :) Go team orange!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Just logged my weekly weight and had a 4lb. loss from last week :) Go team orange!

    That's fantastic!!!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Didn't make the top 3 this week, but that's ok!

    That 4 lb loss is fantastic! Great job!!

    Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!
  • faerytale
    faerytale Posts: 17
    Hello Orange Team,

    I apologize for being missing this entire week.

    I developed a dry socket and was in severe pain. Then, I found out I have an infection. Going to have to undergo surgery again to get things resolved. I've never had to pop so many pills in my life! Barely had the strength to sit up let alone think straight :(

    It will probably be another week or two before I'm fully healed.

    I hope all is well with everyone else.
  • s258705r
    s258705r Posts: 96 Member
    Feel better, Nancy :)
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Hope you start feeling better soon Nancy!!