

  • Im in. How does it work
  • Hi every one! Ive used MFP in the past, and had success loosing 5 or 10 lbs. I usually stay flex between 5lbs but ive completely fellen off the wagon, and gained almost 25lbs. I no longer feel confident in my skin. So ive come back to gain the support I need. Feel free to add me, I plan on being a frequent user
    in Yo-yoers! Comment by dcable90 March 2014
  • Hey every one! I love the daily accountability, otherwise I just fall in and out of routine. So today I did LOWER FOCUS. Those CALF LIFTS kill me every time... Feel the BuRn! Followed it up, with an egg, spinach, and mushroom omelet. Post work out Protein cuts down on recovery time. Have a Blessed Day