

  • I have heard that polar is the way to go. However I personally think they are all junk. get something that tracks your heart rate and your calories.. Just what my trainer told me. She has something that goes around her waist just under her breast. She loves it. Hope this helps..
    in Pedometer. Comment by onesfun May 2011
  • I do it all the time. Everyone around me is noticing and I feel great. Plus my stomachs skin feels so weird I just cant stop touching it. I am starting to see the makings of a four pack. super excited... good luck to you all.
  • rice cakes and cereal, cereal looks expensive but it goes a long way and can be used as a snack instead of chips or crackers. popcorn is another cheap treat remember you can always put a little peanut butter or some type of flavoring on the rice cakes and they make chocolate ones now that I love
  • Ibuprofen and an ice pack... not going to suggest heat.
  • Thanks everyone. I dont know why but I feel much better. I know i can eat healthy but everyone else in the car dont. being in the confined space with that stuff, I am ok.. I got this..
  • everyday is a holiday
  • I dont have any friends either but you seem to have figured this site out a lot faster than me... its kicking my bum trying to make my page cooler. Welcome and good luck with your weigh loss
  • are you exercising? make sure you do weigh training first then cardio and mix up your workouts so that you work different parts of your body every other day. Hope this helps. I had the same problem. I dont have a lot of weight to loose and so it dont come off as fast either. I know you are probably tired of hearing it but…
    in confused.. Comment by onesfun March 2011
  • sounds like a fabulous idea. Good luck I quit 13 years ago, and I must say its mosting in your mind set. If you really wanna quit you will. If you can loose weight then you can quit smoking. Also think of the exercise you will get while shopping for new clothes. lol Good luck to you..