

  • If I didn't eat back my exercise calories - I'd be living on fresh air (i.e. minus calories) I'm training every day for at least 90 minutes + Have you had body composition done lately? I don't lose a lot of weight but I have reduced fat levels and incresed lean tissue, get the test done, it's a lot less frustrating when…
    in frustrated Comment by L4iney May 2011
  • Me too, we can be friends but I agree with previous post, no crazy stuff, just be good to yourself, smaller portions and get back in the pool, do it for yourself girl x
  • Sorry to sound so upbeat about this subject and apologies if it seems like I'm stating the obvious but you'll only get out of this what you put in to it. Is it possible to add another gym session to your week? Summer is just around the corner, doesn't that want to make you focus on trimmimg down a little, walking more,…
  • You said it yourself girl "(I have been blessed with a booty and the thighs and hips to support it :))" This probably means you have a tiny waist to go with your booty, thigh and hips - bet you look fab girl! We're all guilty of being too self critical, especially after weight loss, of course you're not going to look like…
  • and me, I'm in Aberdeen
  • Hi You can add any exercise option you wish to the database exactly the same way as you do with food.