Feeling Less Confident as the lbs drop?

Yesterday was a rough day- I'm probably in a rutt and I'll get over it but I needed a vent sesh :)

I've noticed that as I lose weight other then my chest which is getting smaller and smaller, :( the rest of my body is losing weight pretty proportionally. That would normally be a good thing, but it's hard to look in the mirror before you get dressed for the day.

After losing about 30lbs in total now I can definitely see a huge difference. I am about 145.5 at 5'5" so I am getting closer and closer to my goal weight and generally speaking, while in clothes I like what I see in the mirror and other people certainly are noticing and complementing me as well.

My biggest issue right now is that when I look in the mirror, I am seeing what I used to see- all the problem areas that will never change (I have been blessed with a booty and the thighs and hips to support it :)) and I get really discouraged. I know I don't look like what I looked like before I made a lifestyle change but I still see what I used to see just on a smaller scale.

Before I started this journey, I wasn't happy with what I saw in the mirror, but I wasn't trying to change anything. I feel like after all the hard work I should be so much happier and like what I see so much more! Don't get me wrong, I am usually very confident but after putting on my tight spandex workout clothes and really staring at myself I think I'm starting to have a skewed view of what I actually look like- I still see the old me!

Whew- if nothing else, that felt better to share that :)


  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    okay i was SERIOUSLY just going to post something about this... like i can tell i'm looking better but i still have that FAT mentality...
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I suggest avoiding standing in front of the mirrow naked and judging yourself. Get dressed in beautiful clothes that accentuate your body and then enjoy what you see. I am pretty sure there are very few people in this world who love what they see in the mirror when they are naked.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I've lost 94 pounds and you can only imagine the site I see when I look in the mirror naked....it ain't pretty. but when I get dressed in my new smaller size clothes, I am very happy and inspired by my own journey. I will never have a perfect body, but I am thrilled with what I have as compared to being almost 300 pounds.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    i think changing your self-perception is probably way harder then making the physical changes. Its good that you are recognizing this. My suggestion would be- when you look in the mirror don't start with something negative. Always start and end with something positive. That way you mind set is in the right place! But keep up the amazing work! Almost to your goal weight!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I have this same issue - our brains our faulty when it comes to ourselves.

    Consider taking a picture now and comparing it to a 'before'. That helps me see it the way someone else might. Even with that exercise, I still don't necessarily see the weight loss in the mirror.

    But, it's ok. Put away that mirror. Focus on how you feel, how your clothes fit.... the mirror-image may never catch up to actuality.... but it's okay. Revel in other ways to celebrate.
  • L4iney
    L4iney Posts: 6
    You said it yourself girl "(I have been blessed with a booty and the thighs and hips to support it :))"

    This probably means you have a tiny waist to go with your booty, thigh and hips - bet you look fab girl!

    We're all guilty of being too self critical, especially after weight loss, of course you're not going to look like someone else, simply because you are you.

    Look in the mirror, acknowledge the change, if you've lost weight - you're instantly healthier!
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Wow, I'm kinda glad it's not just me. I see my progress on the scale and feel it in my clothes. On the other hand, when I look in the mirror I just see my belly fat. Well, I just try to focus on the positive and keep moving forward. I hope your vent and all the positive encouragement helps you get over this hump :)
  • alygoo615
    alygoo615 Posts: 35 Member
    I suggest avoiding standing in front of the mirrow naked and judging yourself. Get dressed in beautiful clothes that accentuate your body and then enjoy what you see. I am pretty sure there are very few people in this world who love what they see in the mirror when they are naked.

    I completely agree with this and thank you :) It's just so hard when the pools open in a month and I'm not feeling how I thought I would this close in! I need to accept that my body has made some amazing changes and keep going on my journey knowing that it will continue to do so. I might not be thrilled when the pools open, but I have 3 more months of bathing suit time to feel even better. I am certainly doing this for the long haul and not just bathing suit season but it would be a nice reward for my hard work!
  • alygoo615
    alygoo615 Posts: 35 Member
    You said it yourself girl "(I have been blessed with a booty and the thighs and hips to support it :))"

    This probably means you have a tiny waist to go with your booty, thigh and hips - bet you look fab girl!

    We're all guilty of being too self critical, especially after weight loss, of course you're not going to look like someone else, simply because you are you.

    Look in the mirror, acknowledge the change, if you've lost weight - you're instantly healthier!

    I definitely have a smaller waist and am greatful that I have the hourglass figure most girls dream about- although mine isn't the prettiest hourglass around, I can get it there with time and hard work :)

    Thanks everyone for your kind encouragement!