

  • Jumping in here, I am on a very low carb high fat way of eating. Going back to May 2012, I was obese, and taking exercise class wasn't helping me get healthy.. I was ballooning out, eating a standard Canadian diet.. maybe a bit high in carbs. I was also EXTREMELY INSULIN RESISTANT, as in, pretty much off the charts... as a…
  • So do you not put in any exercise at all? I'm curious, because my fitness class doesn't fit anything specific, I just took an average of what machines I used in cardio for the time period I'm on them.. added them together to get a decent estimate.
  • You can lift :) My fitness class has a program of 30 minutes of cardio (about 14 min "normal" pace and 16 minutes of kill yourself sprinting), plus a weight program for 15 minutes, then 10 of stretching. Obviously with that little time on weights, I can't' work every area, but I am working on shoulder /chest, back, quads,…
  • Try picking up some free weights (I know WalMart carries them, I don't know if a dept store in Croatia would) and use those. You could spend maybe a months worth of gym time total, and have the weights for a much longer time.
  • You don't want to stay at 1200 calories.. that puts the body into starvation mode, and it will hang on to all the fat it can. Have MFP figure out what your MBR is for a day, then subtract 500 calories or so from that. That should give you a weight loss projection of a pound a week, which is very doable. If your body is…
  • I have foot orthopedics, and trying to find a walking/running shoe for everyday wear is hard.. I don't have a ton of money to spend on a pair, but I know I can't do Wal Mart type shoes either. My feet do need some support from the shoe AS WELL AS the orthopedics. I will for sure check out those two shoes that were…
  • 1200 calories is NOT enough calories.. no matter what diet you are on. You can adjust your goals in settings. Here's how I did it. I put in all the info MFP asked for, and it gave me a MBR of 2160 calories per day. Since I want to lose about 50 pounds AND I am on a VLCHF diet, I went into my settings, and clicked on…
  • My problem is that I have a class that is 30 minutes of cardio (15 regular moderate pace, and 15 min of hard kill yourself doing it sprints) on several different machines, and then a customized weight program. Is there anything out there that can take an "average" of all the machines available for 15 min mod pace and 15…
  • if you HAVE to weight yourself everyday (I don't, I have a scale at the gym I use to weigh in weekly), then write down ALL the weights, and at the end of the week divide by 7 to get what you averaged that week. Anything from needing to go bathroom to storage of water to that time of month can make your weight fluctuate,and…
  • OK, I have a simple workaround for all this. Do NOT say you're trying to lose weight, say you are trying to get healthy to avoid diabetes, insulin resistance, etc., so you can live longer. If your husband isn't supportive of that idea, then IMO he's scum. Also, why is your hubby looking at other women? THAT is totally…