

  • Something high in protein after 7pm is my rule. A protein shake mixed in water, greek yogurt is great, 2% String cheese or even some lean turkey lunch meat.
  • Let it go, refocus, make good choices tonight and start fresh tomorrow!
  • Every morning as soon as I roll out of bed, I have 1/2 c of oats wit a little salt and vanilla. Huge glass of water- gets me through my morning workout and makes me feel full since Im very hungry when I wake up in the morning. After workout every day: I thorw cup or so of mushroom, soe onions, pepeprs anything else Im in…
  • Used to weigh several times a day! Horrible habit! Then went to thursday mornings- its before the weekend and if you had a bad weekend, you have time to recover and not beat yourself up. Now, once a month- its not about the number-I have finally learned that after 40 something years good luck!
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