nursebobbi1 Member


  • Hi, Emily, Your advice is great! And it sounds like you're off to a good star. My husband's weight loss was also physician directed. He's lost about 90 pounds and is entering maintenance phase. He is no longer pre-diabetic. His blood pressure medication has been reduced by 3/4 and his cholesterol reducing med has been cut…
  • That's The Post Punk Kitchen, website of Isaac Chandra Moskowitz. All of her books are great. The Peaceful Palate by Jennifer Raymond is a classic and one of my favorites. If you have ingredients on hand but aren't sure what to do with them, list them in a web search along with the words vegan…
  • I'm closing in on 60 and have started exercising to try to feel better, reduce arthritis pain, and improve my ability to do things like housework and walking Henry, our Lab. I hope weight loss happens, too, but feeling better and being able to do more are my main objectives. I'm a long time vegetarian. My husband has lost…
  • Here's an expert dietitian's response to one anti-grain advocate: Take care, Bobbi