

  • In my job I generally walk 7 miles a day just around the ward. I don't have a car so I walk or cycle everywhere after work and at weekends. For the past 3 days I have been able to cycle for 20-30 minutes each evening. Just going to keep at it and see what gives.
  • Although I appreciate seeing your schedules, it doesn't help me identify a plan that I fit into my working week. My other half works shifts so I am parenting most evening's and weekends. When my son does go to his clubs 3x per week which are held in the gym I go to the gym or a class. I simply cannot do early mornings,…
  • Thanks for all the responses people. To give you an idea of Mon-Fri: My average day consists of this: Up at 7am: Drinking black coffee no sugar. Eat Burgen Soya and Linseed toast with marmite or Scottish porridge oats with a banana, (no sugar). 8.15: Walk to work - 1/2 a mile. Run groups, on my feet walking around the ward…
  • Hi. I've been on ADF for 12 days and lost 7lb so far. Tomorrow is a fasting day which means I eat 500kcal either in one meal or spread out over the day. I work full time in a stressful job. I have found this to be the most effective and easy diet plan I've tried. My sister does the same fasting days as me and one of my…