

  • I'm new here and I guess that's what I was doing before I came. I still don't have a food scale. I started just writing down everything I ate to keep myself accountable but when I started here I found out I was doing pretty good intuitively-less calories than allowed and still mostly satisfied. I was judging by less…
  • Perfect people are very rare in my opinion but many think they are and think they have the right to judge others and express their nasty opinions openly-mirrors are made for them. I think that we are the only ones who should judge and that should be by weather we are comfortable in our skin and with our health. Never let…
  • A lot of good info and variety of styles of logging here. I guess I'm not that OCD either but I'll have to think about it. Don't log coffee, Diet Sierra Mist, etc.
  • I hope your hba1c is still great. As for that diet~I know I couldn't deal with that. I'm a food lover and am cutting down incredibly as it is, there's no way I could stick to that. Good for anyone that can-I applaud them.
  • I'm Type II and I didn't know that. Thanks
  • I was on metformin for 10 yrs and thought I had IBS because I had diarrhea for ten years! I don't exercise but am going to start walking as soon as the snow goes down. I am my husband's caregiver(disabled veteran) and can't leave him alone for long as he has seizures along with a number of disabilities that leave him…
  • Was there some event that happened two mths ago that may have kicked it up? Sounds like an emotional event. I know I tend to eat because of stressors in my life.