Diabetic, fat & tired of the fight

I am so glad to have found you all! I need a community like this. I am short 5'4" and weigh 235lbs-down from 242 about ten days ago when I started writing down everything I eat. Boy, it's hard being accountable to myself but it's working. I am diabetic on Lantus ~62 units nightly and one 500 mg. glipizide morning and two at supper. I also have blood pressure med & cholesterol statin(which I hear doesn't help in weight loss). I am a 61 yr old who has tried a lot of diets. The last one was South beach which which worked but couldn't keep it up & now weigh more than before-ugh! And I am not into weird food. Just plain old food. I guess I'm not much of a gourmet. Looking to be supportive and get some in return-friendship is a wonderful thing. I am also a Christian and prayer & praise has been helping. I want to lose 100 lbs but will be with 80lbs.


  • day1appraisal
    day1appraisal Posts: 16 Member
    Glad to meet you! I'm 65, newly retired, Type II diabetic just put on Levemir Insulin pen because apparently stress kicked me out of sugar control... Need to drop about 100 lbs. and taking it 1 lb. at a time. I am also on a statin for cholesteral, glipizide and metformin in addition to Levemir at night. Just started the Levemir on Friday evening. Thought I might have seen a difference in blood sugar yesterday but this a.m.'s test was back to WAY TOO OUT OF CONTROL. At the moment I'm practically living on protein and fat with carbs being green veggies and minimally some fruit.

    Am in a group at another site that has been very supportive, but their food tracker is terrible. This one has been very good.

    Just joined a gym down the street on Thursday last. Did their water aerobics class Friday night. Ordered swim gear and will be going back on Monday whether the new gear arrives or not. Meanwhile, I am using my recumbent bike and hand weights while I watch TV.

    Looking forward to our progress!!!!!

  • sunny4art
    I was on metformin for 10 yrs and thought I had IBS because I had diarrhea for ten years! I don't exercise but am going to start walking as soon as the snow goes down. I am my husband's caregiver(disabled veteran) and can't leave him alone for long as he has seizures along with a number of disabilities that leave him unable to ambulate well. Stress is at a all time high!
    Be careful-not enough carbs can cause ketosis-especially in diabetics. Gotta protect those kidneys girl! Here's to victory!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    If you have a smart phone, you can log all your food on there, instead of having to write it all down. MFP has a phone app.

    Also, if you are diabetic, check into Dr. Neal Barnard's work on reversing diabetes with diet.
  • Elayne10
    Elayne10 Posts: 34 Member
    I'll be glad to send you a friend request too. I'm not diabetic but have presumed celiac disease and osteoarthritis. I lost 80-90 lbs with WW a few years back and regained part of it which I'm now trying to lose. So far I've been maintaining rather than losing but it's better than gaining more back. I'm committed to staying here on MFP and and am happy to have new friends so we can support/encourage each other. I'm also a Christian (my husband is a pastor) and I try share from a "dieter's devotional" just about daily.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    Be careful-not enough carbs can cause ketosis-especially in diabetics. Gotta protect those kidneys girl
    Are you Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic? Ketosis is only dangerous for someone that has Type 1.
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    Hello.For those of you who are type 2, are you losing weight just by counting calories or do you have to lower your carbs lower than MFP reccomends?
  • snudgie
    snudgie Posts: 34
    Hi - I am new here myself. Signed up a year ago but only 'came out' here as fat and unhealthy a week ago, and have already found tons of support, motivation and encouragement.

    I'm not known for following through on things, but with the support of my new found friends here I think I have a better shot than ever. I too am a diabetic on Glipizide (5mg X2/day) and find it hard to resist good food! Maybe we can motivate each other! If you like, do send me a friend request, and I'll accept it.

    Take care,

  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,722 Member

    I've successfully reversed my diabetes, inasmuch as I have been instructed to stop taking metformin altogether after getting my hba1c down to 4.9 on a single 500 mg tablet every other day. Link to the Newcastle University study above, which helped me.
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123

    I've successfully reversed my diabetes, inasmuch as I have been instructed to stop taking metformin altogether after getting my hba1c down to 4.9 on a single 500 mg tablet every other day. Link to the Newcastle University study above, which helped me.

    So,did you only drink the liquid supplement and for how long?
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,722 Member

    I've successfully reversed my diabetes, inasmuch as I have been instructed to stop taking metformin altogether after getting my hba1c down to 4.9 on a single 500 mg tablet every other day. Link to the Newcastle University study above, which helped me.

    So,did you only drink the liquid supplement and for how long?

    No. I didn't follow the diet used in the study. Just lost weight gradually using MFP. The study claims that Type 2 is caused by excess fat in liver and pancreas, and reducing visceral fat can reverse diabetes. After losing 10% of body weight my hba1c had improved enough for my GP to give me license to experiment with decreasing metformin (original prescription 2000 mg daily). At 20% of body weight down I was only taking a single 500 mg tablet every other day and my hba1c was 4.9 for two tests running, so was told to stop medicating completely. Doing my next hba1c next week after 3 months of no medication, so am hoping it hasn't crept up.
  • sunny4art
    I'm Type II and I didn't know that. Thanks
  • sunny4art
    I hope your hba1c is still great. As for that diet~I know I couldn't deal with that. I'm a food lover and am cutting down incredibly as it is, there's no way I could stick to that. Good for anyone that can-I applaud them.
  • bobbilum
    bobbilum Posts: 55

    I've successfully reversed my diabetes, inasmuch as I have been instructed to stop taking metformin altogether after getting my hba1c down to 4.9 on a single 500 mg tablet every other day. Link to the Newcastle University study above, which helped me.

    So,did you only drink the liquid supplement and for how long?

    No. I didn't follow the diet used in the study. Just lost weight gradually using MFP. The study claims that Type 2 is caused by excess fat in liver and pancreas, and reducing visceral fat can reverse diabetes. After losing 10% of body weight my hba1c had improved enough for my GP to give me license to experiment with decreasing metformin (original prescription 2000 mg daily). At 20% of body weight down I was only taking a single 500 mg tablet every other day and my hba1c was 4.9 for two tests running, so was told to stop medicating completely. Doing my next hba1c next week after 3 months of no medication, so am hoping it hasn't crept up.

    Welcome Sunny4art, and I too like acpgee have just discontinued my metformin after 3 years. I am just a few pounds from my goal, but it has taken three years to get here. Slow and steady work at increasing exercise and limiting carbs is how I did it. Nothing magic, just making the decision that I like my feet, eyes and kidneys more than I did cupcakes.The first few months were tragic, I was very depressed. But somehow, around the 3-4 month mark, I stopped craving carbs, and realized I was feeling better.
    So many little symptoms that were bothersome have gone away, tinnitus, leg cramps, skin problems....
    I too am a food lover, I just found other foods to love!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Check this site out. HealthCastle.com lots of great information r/t health, nutrition and Diabetes. My advice get to a Diabetic education class usually held at you local hospital.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. I have been on the site for over a year. Did really well the 1st half of 2013 and then got lazy. But I am back it full-force again!

    I am 48 years old and have had type-2 diabetes since about age 40, and am on Novolog and Lantus. I find that when I start eating healthier and exercise my numbers are in much better control. Do you have a DVD player? If so, you could get some Leslie Sansone "walking" videos. These will allow you to get moving from the comfort of your home, which could be helpful since you are unable to leave the house for long periods of times.

    Have you been to the Type 2 Diabetes Support Group, within MFP? Here is a link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/1789-type-2-diabetes-support-group It is a great place to get answers and support. Also, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • GlucernaBrand
    I love your comments Bobbilum: Nothing magic, just making the decision that I like my feet, eyes and kidneys more than I did cupcakes. It's great that you're doing so well and finding foods you enjoy that also help you stay healthy. ~ Lynn /Glucerna
  • snudgie
    snudgie Posts: 34

    I've successfully reversed my diabetes, inasmuch as I have been instructed to stop taking metformin altogether after getting my hba1c down to 4.9 on a single 500 mg tablet every other day. Link to the Newcastle University study above, which helped me.

    Sorry - disregard that - I had a question that, had I read the entire thread, I'd have found the answer to. Wish I could remove this post.
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    Hi, I'm type 2, 65 years old and started this journey at over 335 pounds. Down now to 271 and on my way even further down. Have probably taken just about every possible med for diabetes - metformin, janumet, januvia. Now I take januvia 50 in the morning and lantus solostar at night. Was up to 50 units of ls every night, and that is now at 35 units, with fasting blood sugars consistently in the low 70's. Not doing anything special or out of the ordinary, just concentrating on fresh vegetables, fruits and lean protein with a few starches thrown in (brown rice, 40 calorie bread) and some healthy fats. No magic pill! Just work and determination.

    Yep, I have my moments of disappointment and frustration, and wanting that double chocolate cupcake so badly it hurts! But I've found some great substitutes for all the sugary treats and putting on those 4 sizes smaller jeans really feels good! I've got a long way to go and I know it - but with good friends here and at home, I can make it.

    You can too!
  • shelly_p99
    shelly_p99 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also a diabetic...I've lost 70 pounds and want to lose about 25 more and tone/firm up. The diabetes didn't go away for me but it's different for everyone. When I'm exercising I only have to take about 25 units of Lantus at night and nothing else. When I'm not...then I have to also do a little Novolog before meals. Exercise is the best way to combat the high sugars...it makes a huge difference. I lost the 70 however without a lick of exercise...just drastic dietary changes. I was too sick to even exercise...and just like you I just got tired of feeling like I was dying everyday. I want to keep my toes and eyesight...so going for an additional loss and increase my muscle mass as well as maintain that daily exercise...hopefully this will yield more great results. Good luck on your journey. You can do it!!!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Feel free to friend me - tracking helps, but praise and worship takes the cake! :flowerforyou: