

  • I am a nurse so I pretty much deal with this on a daily basis... It is not always normal to go every day. Your body will eliminate what it needs to, as long as your going you may not need to go LARGE amounts. (sorry getting gross here) depending on the consistency- if your having very small formed stool, you may need more…
  • I buy my sports bras from title nine sports. They break down each bra they have and give you specifics you might be looking for. They also have their employees rate them, and they tell you whether they are for high impact, low impact/ larger chests or smaller ones... Granted they are on the pricey side... I pay about 50…
  • This is what I know- in order to loose 1 lb a week, you need to burn (or not eat) 3500 calories less than normal.
  • I do feel better, and my boyfriend says my attitude is much better. He says my stomach is much smaller, although my jeans don't say so hehehe...
  • weight watcher cook books are amazing!! I have like 5 of them.... (working at the moment, but I'll post some later Monday after noon)
  • I think the trick is that tomorrow is another day. That's what i keep trying to tell myself. I failed today, I didn't work out, or I ate the damn chocolate cake (my biggest weakness) but tomorrow tomorrow I will start fresh and try again.
  • My iphone has it... I have never used it as I didn't understand what it was for.. I didn't realize it tracked your mileage... I think I'll look into it.