cdavison2018 Member


  • Favorite for breakfast sautéed fresh spinach, diced onion, sliced mushrooms, and one whole brown egg in one pat butter. Can easily add other veggies and/or double for two. Wonderful staple to start a fantastic day!
  • There is no reason to hate yourself, you are what you are. Same for anybody. If you want to get fit to feel more energy, to feel better about your body as you move, or just to stop being fixated on your weight- then do what it takes. Often you just need more socializing or something interesting outside of work to do the…
  • Sorry wrong page make that ventricle
  • temperature
  • Could we grow enough of our own food in our backyards with a few chickens to subsist? Could we heat our homes without electricity or gas delivered effortlessly to us? Could we provide ourselves with drinkable water? Interesting to think that moving even in small steps toward these could make us more fit and able to…
  • Three bite rule. This allows 2 to 3 bites of whatever you MUST have from time to time. Don't care if it is butter on a spoon! Share one dessert, take home a portion, drop the napkin on the floor and then put it on your plate, chuck the rest of the cupcake in the lunchroom trash- you get the idea. Also, tiny amounts of…
  • Add some good fat and more protein and cut way back on ALL carbs. Vicious hunger is caused by blood sugar surges. Fats are not the enemy they have made out to be and keep hunger at bay! This hunger is the carbs jerking you around. Let us know how you do!
  • Stess makes it harder to work on lifestyle changes. Recognize you have had a lot going on. Now add exercise and eat more vegetables and quality proteins. Keep your food diary. Good luck!
  • I am trying to switch to hot tea in the evening. Not much ever after dinner, but can be tempted by an ice cream treat so this saves about 200 calories each time.
  • You are adding muscle, it weighs more than fat. Be happy with your leaner look and keep exercising progressing as you feel ready. We are all too hung up on the scale! Keep tracking and review it often for those little tweaks that can make a difference and add up, too.
  • Muscle weighs more than fat. Are you losing inches?
  • Find a companion who is about the same skill and speed as yourself and schedule runs. You will get out the door. Make the goal doable and at most convenient time and place. Parks and trails are great! If you are running by yourself- give yourself the needed walk breaks to keep the run manageable. You don't have to be fast…
  • Log truthfully for a finite period of time like 24 or 48 hours with a small personal reward for getting it done without fail. You are going afield probably because you have been strict with yourself for too long a period and now feel like you deserve a break. Go for high protein/ low carbs for this demo period. This should…
  • Are you confusing tired and hungry urges? A lot of people seem to have this problem and try to eat away their fatigue. Waking up may mean you are just completing one of those 90 minute sleep cycles and are still quite naturally tired. If your stomach is growling and you are genuinely hungry that is another matter.:yawn: