magick099 Member


  • Holy Cow.. this is so me!!! I did have depression... but I am not a depressed person. It was caused by situational stuff. Husband drinks everyday, I'm not employed, son is trying to be a drug addict, my weight. When this started... I wish I could be that weight now. I was 150 at that point. It just got worse and worse. I…
  • I can not afford a registered dietitian. My insurance would pay for up to 6 visits, if I had a referral because I was diagnosed with a weight related diagnoses...which I don't have.
  • My doctor is an internal medicine doctor. Not a nutritionist. My insurance will not pay for me to see a nutritionist, because I have no medical issues caused by being over weight...such as diabetes etc. I had asked my doctor help with losing weight. He gave me that printed out diet. He said a few other patients who did…
  • Yes! I am on Synthroid. My levels are good now. I have had a few thing going against me and gaining weight. My thyroid, menopause, and just getting older.
  • This diet has proven to be impossible for me!! I can't seem to make it 2 days. I agree with you all this diet just is not healthy at all. I don't qualify yet for a nutritionist. I am over weights by 60 lbs. The idea of it he tells me, is to shrink my stomach, so I don't over eat at meal times. I have changed it more to my…
  • I leave enough calorie room at the end of the day, twice a week for something sweet. Like the tiny cups of Haugen daz (spelling) ice cream. I won't buy big containers. The tiny ones are about 1/4 cup. It's enough to satisfy with out feeling guilty. You can also buy ice cream made from almond or coconut milk.