Mangoed Member


  • hi! i'm signed up too! couldn't see any group set up so came here to search. feel free to add me too1
  • I did day 1 level 1 yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, or so I thought. I can feel every muscle in my legs today, but its a good sore. For the people who aren't sure what it's about, I read the Amazon reviews. Just look it up on Amazon and people have done some very useful reviews. In the UK there…
  • I'm in! Please sign me up. I did a post about this earlier but missed yours, and you've got lots of takers! :D I'm planning on doing my first day today.
  • Good to know. am secretly terrified! Will let you know how I get on.
  • I've just bought the compilation set on Amazon. Shred, metabolism, 6 pack and trouble zone. Can't wait to get started! Have just tried doing some of the circuits on the Kick start your metabolism one. Scary that even the warm up got me breathing harder... Guess the only way is up! For those wondering what it's about I…