psitzmary Member


  • I agree with nutmegoreo. If you are having doubts, what at least six months. I had the surgery in 2000. No complications. I lost 100 lbs. A few years later and due to some other medical situation that came up, (not related to the surgery) i was given three treatments that aided in me putting back on 40 lbs. I have been…
  • Ah ha! I am married to one! Well, I was and recently, after starting for the 100th time in losing this weight, I decided to respect his wish to do what he does but I, wanted to be healthier. After feeling as good as I am doing, and knowing that I do not want to be where I was, the junk no longer bothered me. I see it but…
  • Awesome! Great determination. Very inspiring!
  • Hi D_Minus 40, Hope this helps.... I use the MAPMYWALK app offered by MyPalFitness. I have it set up to sync my workout calories and etc into diary. It works great. Of course, I do all of that on my iPhone and everything syncs with my app on the website. I am not familiar with S Health Walking but if its not user friendly,…
  • Hi Lauren, and congrats on your 8 lbs lost! I am new here as well. I have been doing MFP for 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs. I want to lose minimum 50 lbs and it is said to do so healthily, it should take 6 months at 1 to 2 lbs a week. So, I quess that I am on track and finally doing it right. I don't know how much you want…
  • Two weeks ago when I found out I had a Vitamin D sufficiency that was causing the pain in my hips and arms for over a year and making it difficult for me to move without pain. :cry: As soon as I knew the cause I started taking 1000 iu of Vitamin Day and started this program to help get some of the weight off my bones!…