rogerOb1 Member


  • Protein powder is just a food supplement (get one with low calories per serving and fit it into your daily macros). It wont miraculously add bulk to you, it gives you a source of protein that can taste like a milkshake rather than the usual chicken breast, etc. They usually have amino acids added which for some help…
  • Lol, agreed.
  • 1) No, you are a troll - try re-reading about 50% of your posts.... 2) Yes, I know hes a beginner and while the usual suggestions of SL and SS are good, some people prefer different things. If someone is going to stick with a routine, they need to pick something that appeals to them. 3) has beginner routines that…
  • Yes, "benching routine". I dont see anything that I suggested that wouldnt be a solid improvement on what the OP is currently doing so I dont see the point of you inaccurately calling me out, beyond you being a troll. Again, I clearly suggested SL. The OP even said he tried SL and obviously moved away from it. People on…
  • Give the routine a try if you like the look of it. It takes time, you just have to be consistent with the effort. Give it a few months, and you'll be in a better place. Patience man!
  • Um, did you also like the part where I told him to follow a structured routine from e.g. or stronglifts for a few months? I also suggested a benching routine that had more structure than the OPs current style and accessory work that should make a difference. So I covered both what I think the OP should do and…
  • Lighten your working set to something you can do 3 x 10 or even 3 x 8
  • That's cool. I forgot to ask, have tried adding a heavy set to get your body used to working at that next level up? So e.g. instead of aiming for 40 of your working set, you'd do 3x10, then 1x5 of a heavier weight, and then finish off with 1x5 with a warm up weight.
  • Sure but there a lot of other programs out there. Unless you are lifting insane weights, there wouldn't be enough volume for me personally in your current lifting program, but either way you could find a more complete program. If youre getting enough rest then appropriate nutrition is a good place to look. Make sure you…
  • I know you said its probably not your diet, but I think diet is a factor ( I don't know if the ph is for gains or for other reasons). You should try out a structured routine for a few months (e.g. one from or stronglifts is the favourite on this site). You dont need to be lifting to failure every session. Is there a…
  • I question how universal those findings should be taken to be?
  • Cant see why you'd think it would be harmful. Moving more often is a good idea!
  • If it isn't rest...have you made any nutrition or supplement changes? Are you adequately fueling your activity levels?
  • OP consider foam rolling your IT band, wearing a knee support and laying off the stair master - there are less impactful cardio options
  • But its more about protecting the hips and back than it is the knees.
  • You can get ON's Gold standard protein from which is a highly respected brand. I personally like Musclepharm's combat powder cookies and cream (same site).
  • The change from an active job to a sedentary one would mean he doesn't need as many calories as he did before, so that would be the first thing to look at. Easy and effective exercises to add would include getting a jump rope. He should also consider adding burpees to his routine. He could do his exercises as part of a…
  • I was going to ask if anyone had tried well does it work for you?
  • I can understand that, its just that some people could genuinely lose a few pounds, while some who are pretty much down to being skin and bone, still are not sure if they should be cutting or bulking. Maybe add a circuit training routine that combines lifting and cardio, or try a dvd program, so that youre only upping your…
  • I guess the "disordered eating" preface makes me nervous over the idea of a cut (pictures are always helpful in that regard)...but we all want to make improvements. if the lifting heavy has worked for you, keep doing it. Perhaps add some extra cardio?
  • Theres no need to stop lifting heavy when on a cut. The number on the scale is just a number - that goes doubly for lifters. No point in chasing an arbitrary number. If you look better than you did before, why not just buy new jeans?
  • How many times have you successfully cut using this method?
  • So theres no science on the effects of "under eating"? I get 1200 is given as the magic number and all...and that it wont apply to everyone, but surely the idea is to eat as much as possible while still losing weight instead of just getting by on a reasonable amount of nutrition.
  • Sprinting can be both aerobic and anaerobic
  • Ive used the Zensah ones. A bit more than $20, but they definitely worked for me (they seem to be on sale on amazon at the moment fyi)
  • Walking is fine for burning calories, but its typically done at a lower intensity than running, so you'd probably end up walking for longer periods to get the same calorie burn you were getting from your runs. Weights are better for recomposition/sculpting your physique than cardio alone. A gym makes it easier to…
  • For sure - it looked like it wouldve been a grinder if the spotter wasnt there but wouldve still gone up. Also, good music for lifting at that gym!
  • You really do need a physio - your back issues could be caused by a number of things that aren't about your back (e.g. abs, hips, hammys) and your knee issues could by an IT band issue (common with runners - that one is usually helped by foam rolling). But it could be something else. - Try looking up Kelly Starrett on…
  • Been there, done that. I have bailed out on my dumbbell lift on a weight I was fine with in the previous session. No big deal. Definitely do warm up sets until you are comfortable, then get into your working weight sets