sveltemommy Member


  • it's worse than double counting BMR calories - you need to subtract the calories you would have burned by say, sitting at a computer or whatever it is you would have been doing had you not exercised (BMR is basically being in a coma). so say I exercised at 3 METs for 30 min, they need to subtract the 1.5 METs I would have…
  • Bob Harper's Inside Out Method series or his newer series. Some Jackie Warner too.
  • which videos are you using? sometimes i think the personality of the trainer makes a huge difference. personally i like bob harper the best. alternatively, is there a school gym where you could do some gymnastics? finally, while this sounds pretty drastic - would you consider living someplace less isolated? If a gym is 45…
  • you need to kick up the exercise to rock your metabolism out of its rut - aim for 7 days a week, and be satisfied with 6. Work in some weight training, especially the larger muscle groups like chest, back and quads. try some strength dvds by bob harper or jackie warner. you don't need heavy weights. you can get past it.…