I can't get into working out!

Help! It seems like every time I try to work out (mostly using exercise vids), I get so blah, bored, and I feel like I'm forcing myself to even try a little bit. I hate it! I'm becoming aware through meal tracking of my bad habits regarding diet, but no change is going to work without exercise.

I love being at the gym (especially the elliptical) but we live 45 min from the closest one, we can't afford the fees, and their childcare schedule doesn't line up with what I need. We don't have sidewalks or even shoulders on our roads, so I can't take the kids out for a walk without it being dangerous. We don't have stairs.

I think what gets me down the most is that for 10 years I was a gymnast, hurt myself, and then I joined the army, and hurt myself again. So until this point in my life, i've been extremely active and always fit and muscular. And I loved it. I loved getting up at 5am and doing an hour of p.t., I loved the 2 hour before school gym practice.

So I really need some ideas, encouragement, something! I need to get this flub off.


  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    If working out is that much of a chore, you can lose weight by simply changing your diet.

    Granted you'll lose some strength and muscle, but if you're not willing to commit to something active, it's the lazier route.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I know what you mean, I hate working out at home, you are right about exercise, but diet is a huge part too, I try to eat a few less calories on days I'm not going to burn as much. How about looking for an elliptical on Craig's list or at garage sales. I would definitely try to get your diet dialed in and see how that works and for now you just have to work out at home until your situation changes. You were in the military and a gymnast, so you know how to work out. You just need the motivation. You can do this, think of how good you feel after a great workout, even if it's just for a short time. Good luck on reaching your goals.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    As a former gymnast, what about dance or yoga? There might be a class closer than the nearest gym, or a video might be a bit more instpirational than classic exercise.
  • sveltemommy
    sveltemommy Posts: 10 Member
    which videos are you using? sometimes i think the personality of the trainer makes a huge difference. personally i like bob harper the best.

    alternatively, is there a school gym where you could do some gymnastics?

    finally, while this sounds pretty drastic - would you consider living someplace less isolated? If a gym is 45 min away, and you have no sidewalks, do you have other types of social interaction that are easy to find?
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I have a similar issue with getting to the gym. Here's what I do when I can't bring myself to hit the gym or even go out to the garage and hit the weight rack...or, really, even get out from in front of the TV:

    I don't.

    I work out while I'm watching TV.

    Planks, lunges, squats, kettlebell halos, push-ups, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, high knees, dumbbell curls, shoulder presses, and step aerobics (wii balance board with a 5" riser) all while watching the tube. TV shows and movies are a great distractor for me and make the time blow by while I'm working out. Before I know it, the movie's over and I'm nice and sore or sweaty and tired. ;)
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    When I cannot go out for a walk I do a few minutes of Leslie Sansone Walk at home exercise. youtube has a few videos hope it will help you
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Try Zumba, too. You could also try the "New Rules of Lifting for Women". You could probably get by with just a few weights in different sizes at first, then gradually add to your collection of weights. The book is great...I'm almost finished with it and can't wait to get started (had my gallbladder out and have to wait for the all-clear from the doc!).

    Good luck. It's especially hard right now when it's cold out and all you want to do is stay under the covers!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Additionally, if you have access to Netflix, try 10 Minute Solutions Pilates with Lara Hudson. She's a good, non-maddening instructor and I got great burns from that video, particularly when I was just starting.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    i used to do workout dvds at home. Go to the library and get a bunch and then buy the ones you like the best online for a penny or 75 cents on ebay or half.com. Maybe you'd like body scultping with Kari Anderson rather than a boom-boom Turbo Jam type workout. You don't have to jump and sweat to exercise.

    If you like movies or sitcoms, you can get a bike or other piece of workout equipment at Sears cheaply. You don't have to spend a lot to get a good workout.
  • riaketty
    riaketty Posts: 17 Member
    I'm just looking into Zumba... Yoga tends to make me yawn and I lose interest. :(

    The 10 min pilates videos work really well but they don't load on my cpu and our TV is normally taken over by the childrens. I like Lara Hudson though. Maybe i'll fit that in after they go to bed.

    jennyph2006 - I just did the Leslie walk thing for 15 min and it was great! Totally flew by. Thanks for the reccomendation!

    sveltemommy - unfortunately not an option. :( our life and farm is here. I looked into gyms too and I haven't found ANY that allow adult gymnastics. All toddler/grade school.

    Thanks for the ideas and support guys!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    You could try a treeadmill at home. I find having a TV in front of it has really helped me use it more.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I can't focus on workouts using a DVD, I get bored and just hit the off button. There are other things you can do to get a good workout in. Try wall push up's, squats, lunges. There are also lots of websites that offer free workouts try those. DVD's aren't for everyone.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I'm just looking into Zumba... Yoga tends to make me yawn and I lose interest. :(

    Methinks you're doing the wrong kind of yoga lol. Try a vinyasa or "power" session. I defy you to yawn while transitioning from forward fold to plank, into Chaturanga and straight up into down dog ;)
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    Do you have anyone else to work out with? I also hate videos, and working out at home, mostly because I look around and see all the other things I could be doing (cleaning, feeding the dog, sending an email, etc....) I like going to the gym because once I'm there, I might as well work out! But even then, I'm not as hard on myself as I could be, so I don't get as great of a workout as I would if someone else were pushing and motivating me.

    I recently started boot camp, which is the answer to my prayers, but I was wondering if you had someone who could motivate you, or work with you at home? I know being accountable is really helpful. And if you had a friend who wanted to get in shape also, you guys could take turns being the slave driver :) If you were in the military, you are probably familiar with bootcamp routine exercises, and most of them can be done without any extra equipment, and can be done in intervals for a really good burn.

    Just a thought! Good luck ;)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    You can check Amazon.com for gymnastic workout dvds. You might want to check out some Pilates workouts. I don't like yoga, although I have some yoga workouts. They collect dust, because I don't like yoga. Some of my personal trainers do yoga in their cool down.

    If you get bored fast, it's best to check out a workout from the library, before buying it or even looking at workout clips on collagevideo.com or youtube to see if the workout is something that will keep you entertained. If you're not feeling a workout, you will not enjoy the workout and find it boring.

    Workout videos aren't for everyone, just as the gym isn't for everyone. Find something that you love and do it.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I like Leslie Sansone's walk at home DVD's, no fancy moves but you do work up a sweat. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is good too! It's short and but effective.
  • riaketty
    riaketty Posts: 17 Member
    Do you have anyone else to work out with? I also hate videos, and working out at home, mostly because I look around and see all the other things I could be doing (cleaning, feeding the dog, sending an email, etc....) I like going to the gym because once I'm there, I might as well work out! But even then, I'm not as hard on myself as I could be, so I don't get as great of a workout as I would if someone else were pushing and motivating me.

    I recently started boot camp, which is the answer to my prayers, but I was wondering if you had someone who could motivate you, or work with you at home? I know being accountable is really helpful. And if you had a friend who wanted to get in shape also, you guys could take turns being the slave driver :) If you were in the military, you are probably familiar with bootcamp routine exercises, and most of them can be done without any extra equipment, and can be done in intervals for a really good burn.

    Just a thought! Good luck ;)

    I think this is one of my problems... I have no one here. We moved 4 years ago to the middle of nowhere and I haven't made any close friends.

    What boot camp do you do? Is there a video or do you just go by the exercises? I loved the very no-nonsense style.