

  • There are a lot of the drink flavorings now that have splenda instead of aspartame (for example, MIO)-supposedly not as bad for you!! I gave up diet Cokes (actually all carbonated drinks, but that was the main one) over a year ago. It is so much cheaper to eat out when you order water as your beverage!!!!
  • Read some of the facts about all that extra sugar, caramel coloring, and phosporus and what harm it does. Once you quit the carbonated beverages you will feel better!!!
  • Just a thought......maybe not enough milk or dairy in your diet??? Seems like I do better when I try to have a cup or two of skim milk a day..... You are doing so well watching your intake at a young age! Hope you start to see better results! (Although the body changes sounded like positive results to me!!!)
  • You look fabulous, and I'm sure you feel better! Thanks for sharing your success; it is most encouraging to us beginners! :happy: