Trying to kick the soda habit...

I'm finding it hard to kick my soda habit. I usually drink regular soda--never diet. I've tried diet soda before, more out of curiosity than for lack of calories, and never liked it. I wouldn't even consider using it as an alternative to help me stop drinking the regular stuff. Does anyone out there have any tips to help kick the habit? Thanks!


  • vaporhockey83
    vaporhockey83 Posts: 84 Member
    I can't kick mine, so I used a mix of diet/regular stuff and shifted over to a pure diet soda. The alternatives would be sparkling waters (flavored if you need that), teas, or coffee if it's the caffeine you're looking for.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Yes. Don't buy it. You can't drink it if you don't have it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I used to be the same about diet soda (the aftertaste ruined it for me) until recently. I cut down to 1 can a day, occasionally two, until I went ahead and made the switch. Now I drink a can or bottle of diet 3-4 times a week. Drinking water whenever possible really does help, and you can add flavorings to jazz it up if it bores you.
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    I too am having difficulties kicking this habit. for me it is diet, I cant have all the sugar in regular pop but I dont want the artificial sugars either. anyway I have stopped keeping pop in the house and that has helped me cut back. Now if I really want it I have to go to the store to get it and it gives me time to really think about how bad I want it. Sometimes I drink a glass of water and try to find something to do to see if the craving passes. good luck!
  • laciemn
    laciemn Posts: 77 Member
    I had this problem. I tried to "separate" my problem by drinking both coffee and sparkling fruity water. I am doing well and don't really have an addiction to the carbonation, though I still like it. I still can't let go of the coffee, though. Caffeine, for me, is far more addictive than sugar or anything like that. I think part of it is because I relied on it so much to lose weight and stay alert on a deficit. I still drink between 250-450 mg per day.
  • krissyb2424
    krissyb2424 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't drink diet- cancer chemical soup. And of course- don't drink all that sugar!

    Iced tea's (unsweetened). My favorite is making the Tazo Zen Green Tea and then putting it over ice (you can get this at Starbucks- make sure you say unsweetened!), Pellagrino/Perrier- you can add lemon or lime, black coffee- over ice if your wanting something cold..., and good old water.

    Once you give it up for a few weeks and your taste buds change, real food will taste better and eventually I doubt you'll like the taste of super sweet drinks.

    Stay committed to quitting. Do this by reminding yourself of your goals... nourishing your body, treating your body with respect, being healthy, increased energy... etc etc.

    Make sure your eating healthy fats (coconut oil, avocado, grass fed butter, etc.) and protein- it will help with cravings for bad food.
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    I stopped buying it. Also, when I'm out of the house, I tell myself I'll have one glass of water before I have a soda. Usually I forget to grab or order the soda, and end up just sticking with water.
  • purplebohemian
    I think for me, it is the sugar that is the addicting part. Sure I like the caffeine, but I don't think that is what initially draws me to soda.
  • purplebohemian

    Don't drink diet- cancer chemical soup.

    One reason I stay away from the diet stuff!
  • krissyb2424
    krissyb2424 Posts: 10 Member
    Glad to hear it! :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Don't drink diet- cancer chemical soup.
    Well first be able to back up with peer reviewed clinical study (not an article or a blog) that diet soda causes cancer.
    2nd, ALL food and drinks are comprised of chemicals.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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  • bubbly12389
    bubbly12389 Posts: 8 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, I was SOOO addicted to Coke and Mountain Dew. I'd have it at every meal and never ANY water. None. How I cut it out is just not drinking it at all. I bought some of the Crystal light packages that contained caffeine so I could ease myself off without having major headaches and now I am a whole month without a sip of any kind of pop. It was hard but every day it gets easier. Sometimes I have a craving for it, like oh this meal would taste great with a coke but I don't have it. I drink one of those crystal light packets. I try not to drink more than one of those a day though because they do contain aspartme which is supposedly bad for you too so but in my opinion its better than drinking 8 cans of coke a day or more.

    I know some people say oh treat yourself once in awhile but for me that doesn't work, if i have one ill spiral downward like every other time i've tried to eliminate pop from my life.

    Good luck and keep trying!
  • sanj1956
    sanj1956 Posts: 4
    Read some of the facts about all that extra sugar, caramel coloring, and phosporus and what harm it does. Once you quit the carbonated beverages you will feel better!!!
  • el_crtss
    el_crtss Posts: 13
    Yes. Don't buy it. You can't drink it if you don't have it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Agreed. I use to drink at least 20 oz or Mt Dew Or Dr Pepper daily. I just stopped buying it. It took will power and yes, for like a month I still wanted to buy it every time I was in a store. But it's been almost 3 months now and I can walk by the Soda aisle and not want to buy it in the least. I never thought I'd get to this place, but it's great. :)
  • sanj1956
    sanj1956 Posts: 4
    There are a lot of the drink flavorings now that have splenda instead of aspartame (for example, MIO)-supposedly not as bad for you!! I gave up diet Cokes (actually all carbonated drinks, but that was the main one) over a year ago. It is so much cheaper to eat out when you order water as your beverage!!!!
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    After I was diagnoised with high blood pressure I pretty much cut back that day, I got a fun water bottle and I keep it filled with ice water. I only drink soda with meals or if I can feel a headache coming on. Best thing to do is find out what works for YOU.
  • ehodgdend4
    ehodgdend4 Posts: 27 Member
    i straight up quit buying it and switched to teas, green and ice teas also found some water flavor packet that make juice and i kicked my bad habit yeah i still wish i could drink a bunch but if my need to have one is so bad i drink a diet mnt dew and the craving is gone
  • purplebohemian

    I know some people say oh treat yourself once in awhile but for me that doesn't work, if i have one ill spiral downward like every other time i've tried to eliminate pop from my life.

    It's the same with me. I stopped buying it, and never drank soda with meals whenever I went out (I still don't!). But then the cravings would start up again, and I would ask my husband to pick up a 2 liter on the way home from work, and then all my days of not drinking soda goes down the drain... Once I have one, I'll want another... I know I can't treat myself just once, because then I will want more soda the next day.
  • sandtisch
    sandtisch Posts: 32 Member
    I agree with going cold turkey and not buying it. Takes a lot of willpower, yes.

    Have you tried mixing club soda or seltzer water with fruit juice? Start with 50:50 and then slowly work your way down to less and less juice VS more water until you like it plain.