Sarcastic1 Member


  • Looks like using 1.5 oz shot you would add about 97 calories, and I didn't know about the zero cal mix, I'll have to look into that, thanks for the info! I have seen the mocktails at Walmart, only 5 cals there, but like all Crystal light it has aspartame.
  • You're right, everyone's body is different, but I think you're probably on the right track, thinking of increasing cals. I was also on a mission to lose 15 and not "big". I lost 6 very quickly, like in two weeks. I am also on the 1200 a day thing and working out about 6/7 days a week doing p90x cardio/plyo/core/kenpo,…
  • Okay, I'm in the same boat, I am having a terrible time losing the last 8lbs, so I started working out twice as much and ignoring the "net calories", just sticking to 1200 total, bad, bad idea. I have had such low energy this week that getting through my workouts is torture. Not a good plan.
  • Not sure, would also love to know if mowing the lawn, in the hot sun, in a very very hilly area, when only one back wheel is propelling and the other constantly freezes up (thereby negating any forward movement attempted by the first), burns more calories than the very vague "mowing, general" tab under cardio. Sorry, just…
  • Twice a day, for about 45 mins each time, doing something cardio usually. I try to plan for a day off once a week but feel guilty and miserable if I don't do something to get my heart rate up for at least 45 mins, so I usually end up working out on my off day too. Not that this appears to be working as I haven't lost any…
  • I have also had this same question for a while. What I did was use aerobics, high impact for things like Plyometrics and Cardio, and I used karate/judo/kickboxing for Kenpo. I also did a google search beforehand to get a good idea of how many cals burned during Kenpo and the karate/.../... was very close to that. With plyo…
  • @stroutman: I read that percentage in a fitness mag, thanks for the heads up that it may be incorrect. @Dietiticankelly: Thank you for your time and advice. I will seriously consider adding in some calories. How long do you think it might take before I start to lose again?
  • You are all amazingly quick at the response time, thanks! Well, I'm 5'8", 29 yrs old, BMI this morning was 19.6 which I know is on the lower end of healthy, but by body fat on the scale (not sure of the accuracy) was 24%, pretty high. Ugh. I am more concerned about that than the BMI, I don't want to be a fat skinny girl. I…