You are right on the money here!
They are simply suffering from change stress.
Caffeine withdrawal may give you bad headaches for a while.
It's difficult, but not impossible. You need to watch the sugar amounts on every item you eat or plan to eat. Sugar is a "major" long term concern when it comes to chronic disease, so it is very important to get it under control.
Have you tried Benfotiamine (Bio acitve form of Vitamin B1). It has shown good results for treating fibro plus it has many other health benefits. Check it out at
I recommend a personal trainer for a few months. They will teach you how to work out, monitor your performance and keep you motivated until you are ready to go it alone. The cost is a factor, but when you consider that you are creating a new you, it is worth the investment.
In my experience, the general rule of thumb is that weight control (loss) is 80% what and how much you eat (cal, nutrition), and 20% what you do (workout, etc). There is some good research to back this up. I recommend you focus heavily on the eating side first, then worry about the gym and subsequent weight loss.
I find the worst offender (brand) for calories and use that. The tendancy is to underestimate the number of cals you eat out, so this is a safe bet. It works for me.
Try taking 2000 mg of vitamin C a day in two 1000 mg doses - one morning and one evening. No one seems to know why it works, but it does. Google Vitamin C + weight loss.