

  • I find that drinking screws up my diet and exercise routine every week, at least twice. My husband an I love to have bonfires and beers. Problem is he is fine the next day and I eat like a cow and have no energy. I have decided that I can have a max of 6 light beers on a weekend! Not 20, hopeing that helps me with these…
  • I will be 40 in a couple weeks,and trying to lose 15lbs. I am alittle over 5' and weigh 121.4lbs. I workout pretty much everyday between weights, cardio drills and yoga. Having an issue with arthritis in my knee and low back pain. I need to find back strengthening exercises. My 12 week Shaun T workouts start this Monday!…
  • I will be over in protein by 4 after lunch, should I still drink my protein shake after I lift weights tonight? I lift every other day for 40 minutes so is it ok to consume more protein than people that do not lift.
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