azsuzi Member


  • The thread was hibernating - it is winter you know! :D
  • I'm so proud of you Korki!! :drinker: Keep up the fantastic work!
  • Thanks Lottee - see you on the news feed!
  • AHHHHH! I LOVE Krispy Kreme doughnuts!! Have one for me! :)
  • That sounds good to me - sorry to think its come to this though. We've had a good run with Ravenclaw though - can you believe its been almost a year and a half since we started the original Harry Potter challenge? So, my weight was up again this week. I know that if I would just lay off the chocolate I would start losing…
  • I like having the spreadsheet to track my progress throughout the month but I don't always have something to say (or the time to say it!). And I know that coming up with weekly challenges is... well... a challenge! I'd like to keep in touch with all of the friends I've made here, and I think that the newsfeed may be the…
  • Yeah - sad to say we might be seeing the end of our Hogwart's group. We might have more interaction if we use the news feed to keep in touch and close down the house. :sad: Sorry I've been AOL - just no time any more. Haven't logged or exercised all week! Hope you all are doing well. Looks like you kicked butt on your hike…
  • Yesterday was a spectacular disaster for me! Work stresses had me grazing from the candy bowl all day long and I was so busy that I never logged anything into my diary. By the time I got home, there was no way that I could remember everything that I had shoved into my mouth! But today's a new day and a new opportunity.…
  • Hey everyone! So, with the promotion of course comes more responsibility - added hours to an already full load. You may not see me around as much but I am still here and keeping up on your progress! Keep it up everyone - you inspire me every day!! Next week's exercise challenge: add 50% to your workout. For instance, if…
  • So, down a couple pounds! Can someone enter 160 on the spreadsheet for me? And 16 OWLS and 30 house points :blushing: . Thank you ever so much!
  • Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! Today is my "down day" - I get to relax and do nothing. I spend the rest of my week "up" - available and on the go at work, home, school. I love my Sundays! :heart: oh - and congrats Korkster on your progress! You've come a long way! :drinker:
  • Happy Friday! Lots of changes in my life this week - I got a promotion that I've been hoping for for over a year!! I'm now a supervisor which means that I have people reporting to me and a whole new set of rules. I'm really excited to be finally moving in the right direction in my career!! Am trying really hard to stay…
  • Another busy day for me that included a business lunch. Even though I ordered a salad, it came with a huge load of calories - so I'm over today, but it is logged. Haven't done the exercise yet - maybe I'll get in some quick wall push-ups and crunches before bed. Food challenge for next week: let's do the rainbow challenge…
  • Day 2 Oct - eating ok but don't know if I'll get in a full workout. I am, however, using the stairs instead of the elevator and have done some wall push-ups which I will count as exercise even though there's no cardio to log. Have a great day Ravenclaw!
  • Day 1 - food logged (actually under cals!!), exercised and logged and spirit posted! Happy Monday!
  • Hiya Ravenclaw. Am up today thanks to many bad choices over the weekend. That all stops today with a new attitude going into October! I've been lazy about my self-discipline in eating and exercising. My weight is up about 10 pounds from a year ago and my clothes are feeling tight again. I am trying to keep in mind my…
  • Thanks so much for posting - and thanks to whoever found it today and brought it into the current listing! Great information!
  • I have an idea for the challenges: since we're on our extra week anyway and we all seem to be slipping, how about we leave the food challenge the same but change the exercise challenge to be "do something every day and log it". So our 3 challenges are: Food: log everything you eat - 1 OWL for each day accomplished…
  • Hiya Ravenclaw! We're out of the 100's (degrees F that is) here for the forseeable future - FINALLY!! Still in the upper 90's - but still better than the 100's - LOL! So maybe I'll feel a little more motivated to exercise. We'll see... Did my arms last night. Almost forgot and got back out of bed just to work my arms!…
  • Great challenge momofJandA! I've been getting sloppy about logging too so this will be a good way to get back in it! And congrats on your 5K win! You've come a long way since you broke your ankle last year!! Starting the week off with a day off - but going into work anyway :ohwell: We are SOOO behind and in accounting, you…
  • Hello Ravenclaw!! I hope everyone is having a great weekend - you must be since no one is in the common room! :laugh: Exercise for this week: work those arms! Any exercise you want to do that will help strengthen and sculp.
  • Totally fell off the radar for the last couple of days - didn't log and didn't drop in to say "hi" to all my Ravenclaw friends! Life is SOOO busy now. We're understaffed at work and trying to hire, but in the meantime, there are only 2 of us to do the work of 4! Trying to stay on track, but I must admit that I ended up in…
  • Hiya Ravenclaw! With my statistics class out of the way (with a B!) I'll have the next three weeks to focus more on my health. Then a new round of classes start but hopefully they will not be quite as stressful. My exercise goal for this week is to do some kind of exercise each day. I have been very negligent and lazy with…
  • Totally blew it today. Must stay away from the candy bowls - they set me on a downward spiral every time. :ohwell:
  • Happy Wednesday everyone! I haven't had time to even turn on my computer at home this week and don't have the spreadsheet bookmarked here - can someone put 159 in my weigh-in for the week? I really appreciate it! Been doing pretty good food-wise this week. I had gotten out of the logging routine (I was actually avoiding…
  • I am SO totally confused!! You'd think I would know better after being HOH for so long - but what week are we working on??? We're going into the second week of Sept but already filling in week 2 OWLS?? What gives? Sorry Lottee - I think I really screwed up when I updated the spreadsheet. :( Can we shift all the dates to…
  • I did really good all week staying out of the candy bowls and away from snacks. Then in one fell swoop, I blew though my calories today with a Wendy's lunch - so going into dinner, I'm already 300 calories over! :noway:
  • Busy day yesterday and I totally forgot to even drop in and check on everyone! Sorry guys! Congratulations to our Prefects - way to go!! :drinker: I really like the in-house challenges better than inter-house. Its so much more personal and rewarding. This week has been all about avoiding the candy bowls and processed…