LRaines4 Member


  • Yes! When I'm feeling like I can eat a TON I chug a bunch of water. Then if I AM about to eat I feel full faster. Also, try having healthy snacks available and ready, like apples, carrots, broccoli etc. I mean ready to where you can just grab them out of the fridge and eat immediately, it helps a lot. May not sound as…
  • Hi! I am also trying to lose baby weight after having my second child (she's now 6 1/2 months). I've lost 50 so far, and have another 12 to get to pre-preg weight, but I just want to be fit and healthy...and also wear a bikini this summer :) I've lost most of it from drinking nothing but water, no fast food and watching…
  • Hi!! Everyone can feel free to add me as well! I am a 23 year old mother of two, working on losing the last of this baby weight, and doing it the RIGHT way this time!